Core's Not Working in Version 1.8.0

Updated the .info Files then Downloaded Cores but when I try and Play a Game it says Failed to Open libretro core.

How do I fix that?

Using Windows 64 Bit Version

First double check that it really is the 64-bit version. I was once trying to diagnose a core load failure then realized I was using a 32-bit version by mistake.


I checked and you where Correct it was the 32 Bit Version and not the 64 Bit Version.

Why would 64 Bit Version and 32 Does Not

Thanks for Help @Dwedit

64-bit programs can’t load 32-bit DLLs, and 32-bit programs can’t load 64-bit DLLs.

So can’t use the 32 Bit Version on 64 Bit Version Windows?

Usually Windows 64-bit can load 32-bit applications.
This however means that RA 32-bit needs 32-bit cores to work whereas RA 64-bit needs 64-bit cores.
(as @Dwedit said)

It is strange that RA downloads the wrong core with the build-in online updater…
Did you changed the paths in Settings -> Network -> Updater -> Buildbot Cores URL?
Or did you downloaded the cores manually?

If not maybe this is a bug and should be reported

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