Correct setting for enabling N64 expansion memory


Could you please help me to understand how the following option works? When I set

[B]Enable[/B] Expansion Pak RAM >> [B]enabled[/B]

on Mupen64Plus core options it results in

mupen64-[B]disable[/B]_expmem = "[B]enabled[/B]"

on retroarch-core-options.cfg. Is the expansion memory in this case enabled or disabled?

Kind regards


Dunno, could be misnamed. Enable it and then try running a game that needs it, like Majora’s Mask /shrug

Thank you for your answer. Majora’s Mask runs no matter what value is set to this option with no notable differences between each value. But I can’t yet tell if it makes any difference during further gameplay.

Hmm. MM should be stopping you from even getting to the title screen if the expansion pack isn’t present, so my guess is that the option is broken to always-on.