Crackling sound while fastforwarding

I’ve been reading other threads about crackling sounds on some cores which is mostly caused by some frame drops, this isn’t my case, most emulators I remember will speed up the sound to match the video while fast forward is triggered, but all cores under Retroarch will sound crackly. Is there some adjustment for it not to happen?

Try increasing the audio latency buffer.

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I tried increasing latency to 200 but no dice, does this setting works live or do I need to restart the content? Changing driver also didn’t make any difference to the crackling in fast forward.

what cores are currently affected exactly. i know pcfx does has this “crackle” sound but not the others that im often using(not that i was really paying attention though).

The cores I use more are Mednafen PSX, Mednafen Saturn, Reicast, all them presents this crackling while in fast-forward, normal game-play runs fine.

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Has anyone found way to Fix This?

Sorry IF too late a Bump