CRT-geom on Shield TV without curve

Im using a shield android tv and when trying to use either menu shader parameters or preview shader parameters retroarch just crashes back to home… Is there any way i can have this shader without curves on my nvidia shield tv… Is the file available to edit and transfer over to my shield or something ?

Thanks for any help really like the shader just not a fan of the curves but i can live with it.


Sure, you can either edit the hunterk/crt/shaders/crt-geom.glsl file to change line 4 to: #pragma parameter CURVATURE “CRTGeom Curvature Toggle” 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 (note: all that changed is the first number went from 1.0 to 0.0) or you can edit the hunterk/crt/crt-geom.glslp file to have this at the bottom: parameters = “CURVATURE” CURVATURE = “0.0”

Thanks hunterk for the help… I dont seem to have your hunterk directory under shader setup on android… I know it used to be there… Is there somewhere i can download the file on windows ? Im guessing once edited it has to go in the root data directory of retroarch on the shield or can i just point retroarch to the file without having to root ?

Thanks again.

You should be able to fetch the glsl shaders from the online updater, and the hunterk directory should be in there (that is, shaders_glsl/hunterk/crt, etc.). You might want to peek at settings > directories and make sure that your shader directory is somewhere user-writeable. I think it is by default but it never hurts to check.

I just done the update shaders and the hunterk directory is not there for me… Strange as i do remember it used to be there a while back… need a way to grab the file on a windows machine then FTP the edited file over to my shield

Here’s a direct link to the file in my repo:

Yeah thanks i found the file on your github, edited the line, ftp’d over to shield, but when i set the shader up i’ts as if no shader is being applied ? I set my shader directory to a custom folder so not sure whats going on.

hi, I have the same problem. as soon as a change “CURVATURE “CRTGeom Curvature Toggle” 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0” the shader won’t apply any idea ? thanks (shield tv 500g 3.2) regards

Hmm, dunno what would cause that, but you could try leaving the curvature toggle at 1 and changing the curvature radius to something very large, like 10. That could potentially leave a little bit of curvature in there but it will be very slight and mostly flat.

thanks for the tip, I will try after work bye

Perfectly flat values should be:

CURVATURE = "1.000000"
d = "100000000.000000"
R = "10.50000"
cornersize = "0.000500"
cornersmooth = "8000.000000"
x_tilt = "0.000000"
y_tilt = "0.000000"