Hardware: Raspberry Pi 3b+ with a VGA666 adapter, connected to a ViewSonic G225f CRT Monitor Software: RetroPie 4.6 with Retroarch 1.8.5
I’m currently running EmulationStation in 800x600x85Hz using HDMI_TIMINGS in my boot/config.txt For my retroarch.cfg, crt_switch_resolution = “1” crt_switch_resolution_super = “1920” crt_switch_center_adjust = “0” crt_switch_resolution_use_custom_refresh_rate = “false”
When I try to launch a game, the monitor shuts off. If I try to restart it, I get “no signal”. The monitor can should be able to support 1920x240 resolution, so I’m not sure what the problem is. Any ideas? Am I missing a configuration option somewhere? Any additional information I can use to debug?