D3D11 Driver not loading video config files (overrides)

Hello guys first thanks for the D3D11 Driver it´s awsome as everything :grinning: But i have a little bit of trouble since yesterday. I am trying to save some custom video configurations to fit my 1080p screen “maby it’s time to sell and get something a little bit better” :tired_face: anyway…

The thing is that the D3D11 driver doasn’t load my config files it will alway come back to default no matter what i try. I have tried to do it manualy aswell making my custom viewport and everthing but it’s not working.

It works with GL, and it works with Vulkan. I have tried a fresh instalation of RA just in case without any succes.

The idea of all that is to use it with RocketLauncher’s fade option, in my case AMD don’t want work with some Drivers as you know. “Time to change this aswell i supose” And the fade option that works without using RL bezel option is just the D3D11 Driver the one who gives me a nice smooth fade.

On the other hand im using Kurozomi shader but everytime i save my config with the GL driver and restart Retroarch i get a black blure screen and i have to go to apply shader to make it work again.

From now on i know about AMD and the nature of the poor GL suport which is a shame, time to go with someone else.

THX in advance guys