Databases \ Roms Crc \ Where? - Thanks

Hi, i’m new here

First i want to tell i already read this:

But Example: On my 48 Snes Roms (all they work) the scan databases found only 4 of them. (That’s mean only 4 of 48 Roms are valid in the Crc list) And all of my Snes Roms was got from the most famous romsWebsites around the Internet.

I know there is 2 solutions: Make you own *.lpl files or Download valid Crc Roms…

But because i like good jobs:

  • I don’t like to loose the [Information] option.
  • I don’t like to use a tierce tools to make my own playlist.
  • Then the only way is to get the validate Crc Roms.

Then my question is: For each Roms who is not validate by the Internal System Database, where i can easily [B]find the Validate(Crc) one ?

[/B]The scan and database functionalities no have sense if : 100% or the user working Roms are not recognized OR If users can’t easily find where is the good one for replacement …

  • Thanks for Answer -

If you look on that very same page you linked it shows what type of database each system that has a known database uses. For example, Nintendo - Super Nintendo Entertainment System has next to it No-Intro 2016-01-03 which mean it uses a No-Intro database. You can just google ‘No-intro snes’ to find romsets that contain roms with the correct crcs.

For example, Nintendo - Super Nintendo Entertainment System has next to it No-Intro 2016-01-03 which mean it uses a No-Intro database. You can just google ‘No-intro snes’ to find romsets that contain roms with the correct crcs.

Ok ok, i get the point now! I will check this…

  • Big Thanks -