Debugging features?

Hey, I’m K3fka, a rom hacker. I recently found retroarch through a friend and have taken quite an interest in it.

One thing I desire, however, is debugging. You see, it’d be nice to be able to do some things like RAM monitoring & searching, disassembling, VRAM viewing, etc. Now, I really have no idea how difficult this would be to implement. Namely I don’t know if this kind of task would fall on the emulator frontend or the core itself.

Thanks for reading, and I hope this can be implemented eventually.

RetroArch and libretro is not designed for debugging. While libretro supports peeking into system RAM and VRAM, everything else you’d need from a debugger cannot be implemented. This is better done in specialized emulators.

I was hoping it wouldn’t be impossible without a major rewrite, but it’s understandable. Thanks for the reply.