Hi, I’ve been having some issues lately with RetroArch, I’ll try to describe it as best as I can:
RetroArch’s default config defaults this settings:
- savefile_directory = “/storage/emulated/0/RetroArch/saves”
- savestate_directory = “/storage/emulated/0/RetroArch/states”
- rgui_browser_directory = “default”
I then change them to where I store my ROMS, savestates and savefiles:
- savefile_directory = “/storage/emulated/0/VideoGames/NES/Saves”
- savestate_directory = “/storage/emulated/0/VideoGames/NES/States”
- rgui_browser_directory = “/storage/emulated/0/VideoGames/NES/ROMS”
I save them to a new config file and quit RetroArch from the menu. I then reopen RetroArch and when I load the new config, only the rgui_browser_directory seems to load the value correctly, the other two still show the value for the default config, as if it’s not reading or updating correctly.
I know the config file saves the correct value if I edit it out of RetroArch, it shows the directory I selected, but for some reason it’s not loading correctly when I select the config file.
I even tested on Windows and it seems to not be working correctly for me.
I’m on the latest nightly build of 1.6.9, I can’t really tell what’s the last version that worked correctly for me as I haven’t played that much over these last months and I was trying to play again recently.