Deleting available controllers on USB hub plug-in

Ran into a weird problem in my retroarch setup when I plugged in my powered usb hub into my computer with the hopes of using some extra genuine console controllers I have plugged into mayflash adapters. Retroarch A. only detects the Sony playstation adaptor boxes not the SNES adaptor. and B. deletes the availability of the 2nd xbox360 controller. When I unplug the USB hub, the 2nd xbox360 controller shows back up. Tested the SNES controllers that don’t show up in the mednafen emulator and they are detected just fine. I tried all the driver input options to no avail. Any pointers would be very appreciated. I had to ditch retroarch because I really want to use genuine snes controllers, and I really want two sbox controllers for other systems for 2 player fun. I kept retroarch for the handhelds which still work fine since it detects the first xbox controller still. But I’d really love to consolidate my setup into retroarch instead of having to split it between emulators for this input problem.

IF you could proof read and use some punctuation I guess I could understand and give you a hand.

Dunno what’s going on with your second Xbox controller but are your SNES controllers totally unresponsive? that is, can you do any manual binding in the input settings?

I guess the periods, commas, and the A/B stuff were hard to see on the big screen huh? Anywho, hunterk, yes that is correct. Not only does retroarch all of the sudden NOT show the second xbox360 controller, it also does not even detect the SNES controllers plugged into the adaptor in the USB hub, whereas other emulators see them just fine. The 2nd xbox360 controller pops back up in the devices once the USB hub is unplugged. Those two things are very perplexing. Sad too, since I was beginning to love retroarch. But not being able to detect certain controllers in a USB hub, and delete certain others from the main computer’s usb ports is kind of a deal-breaker. Well, I guess unless I got a USB port card and tried that. Maybe it’s something with not being onboard usb? I don’t know.

Yeah, no clue and unfortunately it doesn’t really sound like anything we can troubleshoot from this end. You could try running retroarch-debug.exe --verbose --menu from a command window and see if it prints anything informative to the log when you unplug/replug the hub. You might also try using a different input driver. dinput or even sdl.

Yeah I tried the different input drivers also, restarting every time, and still the list doesn’t pick up on the SNES controllers, or the 2nd xbox. But for some reason it shows the PS controllers from the hub. Crazy lol. Is there anyway to get info to the devs to maybe test some powered usb hubs and see if that’s just an area that has not been looked at much? Because most people start running out of onboard usb ports pretty fast.

So, when you plug in your hub and it makes your other 360 pad stop working, does it print a message that the pad is getting disconnected?

Oh, I have never tried it while RA is running. Its always been before i start it. Would it help to know if it’s printing that message?

Yeah, that would let us know if it’s actually disconnecting or if it’s just failing to respond.

Is this windows or linux or what? Do the devices still list correctly in the windows device manager? RetroArch just gets the IDs from dinput and assigns them to the controller. There is a change it’s just reordering the controllers when you connect the hub (windows does some weird re-ordering thing on hotplug)

Go to Information/System Information with all the pads plugged and take a screenshot

It prints the changes in what RA is seeing as controllers. So when the hub is unplugged it clears the prints,…then goes through the list once more, this time showing xinput #2 which has always been the 2nd xbox controller. BUT, it still wasn’t in the list now all of the sudden, whereas every other time it showed back up in the list. I did try sdl2 this time and it saw both xbox controllers again, but not the other usb devices in the hub. In all of the scenarios, the prints go through and display everything plugged into the hub. So I can have both the xbox controllers back,…but loose all the USB hub controllers because i’m assuming they just aren’t recognized by sdl2 at all.

Yes Radius, everything shows up in windows, and in xpadder for example. Also, they show up in the retroarch print messages at startup of RA, but just aren’t listed under RA’s devices.

So, when you go into settings > input > input user 1 binds > user 1 device index and cycle through the devices, what does it list?

well with SDL2 selected, it only lists both xbox controllers and my mayflash dolphin bar. with xinput, it lists xinput controller 1 (which is the xbox360 #1), both playstation mayflash adapter boxes, and the mayflash bar. Those are under the input binds. That is all that shows up, even though the yellow print messages show everything that is connected. Weird huh.

Well I got an onboard usb card to add 4 ports to my motherboard, thinking maybe it’s just an external usb hub thing? In all input driver modes available, it still shows the yellow print messages of everything connected on startup, but only lists the xbox controllers and the mayflash dolphin bar in device index.

Well for now just ditching RA for those systems and going back to emulators that can see the controllers. Really hope this can get some attention in future builds because I love RA and really enjoy using it.