Development Suggestions

And yeah, I’m talking about the XMB menu

The only thing I want to see is the game info from db.libretro in the Playlist

  • Plot
  • Genre
  • Release Year
  • Developer
  • Publisher
  • Players
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Hello. First of all, thanks for your Great project! I am very glad to play the classic games on a gamepad with a highest 1920x1080 resolution :smiley: Also, there is a best sound (nearest to the real devices) emulation I ever heard!

I see that there is no PS3 port upgraded yet. Anyway, there was one thing absent among the PS3 ports - a support for a PS3 consoles with ODE soldered. ODE can launch iso type games. I successfully rebuilt PS3 1.7.7 CEX pkg into iso, but I met some ‘inconveniences’. Because it is iso, there is a problem to make a configurations, because the file retroarch.cfg will be saved in the path where it is not reads from. So that, it is saves in /dev_hdd0/game/SSNE10000/USRDIR/ while it reads from /dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/ . The version 1.7.7 rebuilt as iso is working fine on my SuperSlim with OFW v4.50.

So how the ODE PS3 port should looks like? - I can suggest the next view. First - an iso with a retroarch program itself - a launchable EBOOT.BIN . An iso should (or could) contain the program needs which the end user will not be editing/replacing/rewriting. For my example, I keep the folder “cores” (with the includes of course) inside the iso. Second - the pkg with a data which should be installed to internal PS3 hdd. Since it is installed, the folder SSNE10000 will appears in /dev_hdd0/game/ . What is here? - the data which can be added for a program functionality like shaders, etc; the data which can be provided by the program like screenshots, recordings, savestates, logs, downloads, playlists, etc. Though the folders can be manually created and the path for them can be manually set, it is better to make a new releases with a prepared retroarch.cfg, which, as I noted above, SHOULD be searched with the next logic:

  • primary location - /dev_hdd0/game/SSNE10000/USRDIR/
  • if the config is absent in the primary location - then search there /dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/
  • if the config is absent in the primary location, then give up.

Make the XBox Series controllers new Share button useable under Windows like Steam does. I would like to remap/use that button. Thanks.

It would be nice to have some support for displays with non-square pixels. For example, I have a 16/9 plasma TV with a resolution of 1024/768, so the pixels themselves have a 4/3 aspect.

My naïve suggestion would be to have an option to select the display aspect ratio manually. Default is Auto, meaning aspect ratio is calculated from resolution. Other options could be 4/3, 16/9 or Custom. If this is set, when desired output aspect is read from the config it is multiplied by (display resolution / display AR). In my case, I want to display a 4/3 image on my TV. 4/3 * (1024/768 / 16/9) = 4/3 * 3/4 = 1/1. So the actual renderer would output a 1/1 aspect, which will look like 4/3 on this display.

Not sure if this suggestion may fit into this thread but I’d really APPRECIATE, if there would be a SUB-forum for shader/presets suggested to use into some core-consoles.

Since there may be experienced retroarch players that may know better the looking some console may have, then they could release their suggestions or even better, their modded preset/shaders.

Our aspect settings are already for DAR. What you’re asking for is a separate PAR setting, which is a bit niche, even for us. That is, we already have custom AR settings where you can set the DAR to whatever you want (video_aspect_ratio and set the AR index to ‘config’, IIRC), it just takes a little math on your end to figure out what DAR compensates for your display’s abnormal PAR.

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Yes, I know. The point is that currently, I have to do that math for every conceivable DAR. Would be a lot simpler to just set the PAR for my display once. I guess I could try to patch in something myself for a private build, but my programming skills are quite rusty. Maybe a pointer in the right direction?

Here’s a recent commit that added the “full” aspect ratio setting:

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If you are using a PC to run RA on your TV, you could let the Mega Bezel shader take care of scaling the screen. You would still have to do the math but if you wanted a background graphic also you could start with my presets.

The shader is able to set a custom aspect for the background graphic and it can split it down the middle and adjust the X Axis position to fill the screen.

Any strange distortion to the Bezel could be corrected using the Bezel width parameter.

With that and the scaling I see no reason it wouldn’t end up looking as good on your setup as any other.


I’m new to retroarch, and I don’t know if this is a problem anyone else has, but I think the shader selection process could really use an update to make it more user friendly. There are no previews or anything and no descriptions/explanations for less savvy users. For your average player there’s no in engine way to tell what all the abbreviations mean, what each shader does, what each shader is best at doing and even what they look like ahead of time. Because of this it’s mostly just been trial and error, every time you select a shader it kicks you out of the selection menu and you have to unpause to check what it is and then repause and go back through multiple menus in order to try a new one.

Also maybe a list of community recommended shaders on a per game basis you could browse would be possible at some point? Sorry if none of this is possible/plausible

That’s a tough one, unfortunately.

Several years ago, I created standardized previews for all of the (then-available) shaders and collected them a repo specifically with the idea that we could show these previews in the same way we show boxart/thumbs when browsing playlists. That never happened, though.

Alternatively, I added previews and information on some of the shaders to the libretro docs site: I was originally planning to put this information into READMEs in the github shader repos, but some users suggested the docs site would be better since they don’t really go to the github repos and it’s better to keep all of the information in one place.

As for shader recommendations, I’m not a big fan of that idea for a couple of reasons: first and foremost, shader/filter settings are highly subjective and there’s no real community consensus (also, unfortunately, “the community” is an illusion; anything done by “the community” tends to be done by one or two dedicated individuals in reality; but i digress). Second, they’re subject to fashion. That is, there are styles in what looks are popular, and those styles change over time, so it would be a maintenance hassle to keep up with the flavor of the month.


Thanks for replying!


Can you make the amount of save state slots available adjustable so someone who’s using the device can’t go over a number of slots or have them restricted to only 1 save state per game?

VGMStream support for menu music, essentially meaning we can have looping music.

Probably already been suggested but overrides per region? I’m not familiar with how regions are handled in RA but for example: having different overlays for the Sega Mega Drive and Genesis depending on (U) and (E) & (J) etc. ROMs (or even one for each). Different settings for different TV shaders come into this too. The PAL shaders and NTSC effects I assume are different. I haven’t started playing around with those yet. Many thanks to all for the exhaustive amount of work that has gone into this project. I’m having a LOT of fun just tinkering around with the sheer power of all the things RA can do. Cheers!

RetroArch itself doesn’t have any concept of regions. It’s up to cores to make that distinction. However, the ‘content directory’ overrides/shader presets are intended to fill exactly these sorts of niches. Just move your regional stuff into their own directories and off you go.


Unhappily Retroarch lack in input 2 features that are default for current emulators :

  • Multiple assign button for each core button. Is possible create combo button pressing one button instead 3 buttons at same time.
  • Config turbo auto fire for all and any core button.

All focus is being for high input sync, but lack the features above.

Add 3 punch and 3 kick buttons macro for Final Burn Neo core

I believe this is already in the FBNeo core. It’s pretty much limited to only the 3x punch or 3x kick, however, due to limits with the API. Per This post from May 3rd 2021

  • Macros : First, some words about macros, the reason macros from standalone aren’t supported is because there can be dozens of them for a single player on a single game, however you currently can’t map that many actions with the Libretro API (and this is not only a problem for macros, handling service menu when it involves several buttons can be tricky too) because all inputs need to be assigned to a button from the get go. In the past, there was some workaround for this through core options, but it had its own share of issues so it was removed later. I recently decided to re-implement support for a select few macros, for now it only includes 3xPunchs and 3xKicks on SF-like games but implementing a few more could be done if I can get some help sorting out the ones that’ll be the most useful so that they’ll fit within the RetroPad model.