DirectX Error with Nightlies [split from bug reports topic]

Whenever I try to start any nightly build of RetroArch (Windows, 64-bit), I usually get the following error:

The application was unable to start correctly (0xc0000142). Click OK to close the application.

Whenever this error pops up, the command prompt window says the following:

RetroArch [ERROR] :: ctx_init :: Failed to bind API (#0, version 0.0) on context driver "d3d".
RetroArch [ERROR] :: dinput_init_context :: Failed to init DirectInput.
RetroArch [ERROR] :: dinput_init :: Failed to start DirectInput driver.
RetroArch [ERROR] :: dinput_init_context :: Failed to init DirectInput.
RetroArch [ERROR] :: dinput_init :: Failed to start DirectInput driver.
RetroArch [ERROR] :: init_video_input :: Cannot initialize input driver. Exiting...
RetroArch [ERROR] :: rarch_main_init :: Fatal error received in: "init_video_input()"

When this error doesn’t pop up, RetroArch will start, but won’t accept any button/key inputs. If I quit RetroArch (or the previous error occurs), it immediately opens back up and functions normally.

I have no issues when using the latest stable release of RetroArch. Googling the issue in general didn’t help. Any advice? This issue is a fatal one for me, as I have RetroArch integrated into my home theater setup.

Specs: Intel i5 3570k, AMD Radeon HD 7970, Windows 7 Home Premium (64-bit)

Seems weird… but it would seem you do not have directx installed

Which directx are you updating/installing? IIRC, RetroArch needs dx9: … x?id=34429

Nothing happened when I used that installer. After I accept the agreement and click “Next”, it immediately tells me that the installation is complete…without actually installing anything. I did test the most recent nightly of RetroArch on my laptop. It worked without issue there, making this problem more curious. Maybe me having played lots of PC games has inevitably led to one of them installing, or messing with, a bad version of DirectX?

Here is my DxDiag file (64-bit), if it helps. Using either version does not result in any perceivable errors. Sorry if this is too much PC diagnosis and too little RetroArch bug reporting, but RetroArch is the only program I have issues with now on my PC.

I must ask: What would have changed in RetroArch that would make it so this is now an issue for my PC when it wasn’t before?

I figured out the issue!

For some reason my antivirus program was preventing me from running RetroArch correctly. I had to add an exclusion for it for it to work right. But now everything’s good.

Glad you got it figured out. Thanks for posting your solution.

antivirus give more headaches than solutions IMHO. I don’t have any, just be careful if you are internet or tech-savy.