"Disable Desktop Composition" is related with Linux too?

Hello. Thanks for reading my topic. Retroarch Linux version in Settings \ User Interface
has the option “Disable Desktop Composition” for disable visual effects, detect unresponsive window and etc. That is an option for windows version or is for Linux too ?

Have an nice day.

It’s for Linux too. Otherwise VRR (gsync and freesync) can’t work. But the compositor needs to support this. In KDE, this checkbox needs to be enabled in the compositor config:

However, I believe this is only for X11 and with Wayland there’s no way to disable compositing. Not sure if it’s even needed there. With X11, compositing adds some input lag and also you can get some stutters (skipped frames.) Wayland might not have that problem.

Also, there’s also a keyboard shortcut to toggle compositing on/off in KDE. Alt+Shift+F12. So even with that option disabled, you can manually disable and re-enable compositing whenever you want.


Thanks for your reply. You are saying compositing need to be enabled in KDE config for gsync work ? I use Lubuntu (Ubuntu using LXQT in X11).

Compositing needs to be disabled for gsync to work.

I don’t know anything about LXQT. Maybe it has similar settings somewhere.