Distorted Sound in Megadrive games GenPlusGX

I am having a weird issue where I am getting sound distortion in Megadrive games on this core. Sound on Master System games fine on the same core. The same Megadrive roms used in Picodrive core have no sound issues. Is there a particular setting I need to change to correct the audio for the GenPlusGX Megadrive?

I went back to a vanilla config and all is well, whatever it was I did. I will save a vanilla config with directory paths set, HW Shared Context Enable On for Dreamcast etc, so that I can just drop it in the folder if I encounter any issues.

If there was an option to regress to the last working config on the fly it would be a great addition. Not sure how feasible that would be though, but definitely would be welcome.

The closest thing would be to use the ‘save config’ option when you have a known-good setup and just use it as a timestamped backup.