DIY Arduino Powered IR Light Gun

Hi Guys,

I’m currently working on an Arduino powered light gun that works with Mame on RetroPie and PSX Beetle on RetroArch for Windows. Have a look at the demo here.

Let us know what ya think, anyone keen to have a crack at building this? I hope to have a build guide up soon.

Cheers Sam

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That looks really good and stable. Much better than a regular wiimote+sensor bar. I may build one once the plans are up!

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Hi Guys, just a quick update. Build Guide is now available…

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Hi Guys, just another quick update PlayStation 1 (PSX Beetle) & SEGA Saturn (Saturn Beetle) setup in RetroArch is now up.

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Hi Guys, here’s just a super quick vid of the SAMCO in action…

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Hi Guys, this is just a quick update to let you know I’ve added a new sketch to the GitHub for anyone who wants to add a foot pedal to their Samco. It’s really simple just grab any momentary foot switch (I used one that was for a tattoo gun there’s heap of these on eBay) and solder it to the broken out Alt pins on the PCB (I knew I broken out an extra pin for a reason :slight_smile: ). Basically all it does is gives you an extra right mouse button but it’s great for dual gun mode in Time Crisis II on PCSX2 and it’s just cool to have a foot switch. Attached a couple of images so you can see how it all fits.

Also updated the old code slightly so it releases the mouse in pause mode so you can use your normal mouse again when your Samco’s paused.


ah, that’s really awesome! Much better than a button on the gun.