DOSBOX how to set up to run the game?

DOSBOX how to set up to run the game?

Only black screen ?????

ideally you’d add some lines to the conf files autoexec section. It seems to be completely ignored in Windows though. It works well in Linux, though there the keyboard is messed up. With the “Enable Hotkeys” key bound, retroarch’s hotkeys don’t interfere with input to Dosbox, so that’s nice. Unfortunately in linux, after pressing a key it stays pressed (even when the key is released) making it rather unusable

keyboard input works fine in Windows, but as I said, no autoexec. No conf file at all as far as I can tell, config -l says no conf file is loaded, and there are never any parameters listed even when specifying some with retroarch -L dosbox_libretro.dll -someParameters. it seems no parameters are passed at all, be it a config file, or an .exe. Every time a directory must be mounted, CDd to and the .exe launched by hand, which is doable, but less than ideal :frowning:

…DOSBox is in retroarch???

Omg I need to set this up so I can use shaders on those games lol.

[QUOTE=SkyHighGam3r;43461]…DOSBox is in retroarch???

Omg I need to set this up so I can use shaders on those games lol.[/QUOTE]

indeed :slight_smile:

I still can not understand, This configuration file is to be put into the game folder?? For example wolf3d this is game how to write the configuration file. sorry . english not my language
i use goolge I hope Google translation is right

don’t worry about it, you can’t. it’s broken in Windows and I don’t think it has ever not been

Nice video! :slight_smile: It’s not obvious to most how to use dosbox in RetroArch, so your video helps.

You do not have to install Windows 3.1 to play DOS games. Radius was demonstrating that you can install Windows 3.1 in the dosbox libretro core.

I don’t understand “The most important thing is not every time you start the game why ??” Please post the Japanese also, in case someone can read it.

Finally I done 。 most of the game can be run 。