Downloading cores from within Retroarch VS from pacman / AUR on Arch Linux


I use Retroarch on Arch Linux and I noticed yesterday that I could download most cores from the terminal using pacman or yaourt, because cores are available in official “community” mirrors or in Arch User Repository (AUR). Usually, I download cores directly from the XMB GUI in Retroarch.

Is there any advantage in downloading cores from pacman / AUR, or is it better to stick with the built-in core downloader ?

If you already have cores from the downloader and you try to install the same one from a repo, it usually freaks out (at least with apt on Debian/Ubuntu), so it’s not a good idea to mix and match. Other than that, nope, there’s no major difference, so go with whichever you prefer.

Thanks ; I’ll stick with the built-in feature (Unless I can’t find a core that is available in the AUR)