Dreamcast/Reicast Quirkiness

So to get Dreamcast working, I put the dc_boot.bin and dc_flash.bin files in the system/dc folder and the Reicast core info says they are present, but booting any game, CUE or CDI, causes RetroArch to crash and send a Windows error report. I am using the latest Reicast core from the built in updater.

I have tried Crazy Taxi, Marvel vs Capcom, and a few of the Star Wars games, all with the same result.

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Well, it’s a pre-alpha pre-release version, Anyway, it works here, we’d need at least a log to figure out why

I suppose that would help. In running Debug, I did get Marvel vs Capcom to run (which was crashing, not sure why logging changed it) but my screen was all white, then faded to all blue. I could hear the menu items being selected ot set date, but couldn’t pass that or see anything. Anyway, debug logs here:

Crazy Taxi: http://pastebin.com/9Z41Nvb1 Marvel vs Capcom: http://pastebin.com/3TifeRSV

Go to settings/core and change HW shared context to enabled

That was the miracle setting! The CDI’s I’ve tested so fall seem to at least boot, but none of my BIN/CUE games do.

And you weren’t kidding about the Reicast core being pre-alpha pre-release. About half the CDI’s I’ve tested work pretty well, but the other half glitch or freeze RetroArch so hard I have to Alt-F4 to force quit it. Still, it’s nice to see progress and effort towards an otherwise oft-neglected system in the emulation scene.

But anyway, what does the HW shared context setting actually do?

Any idea why CLI would not work but loading the same gdi within the gui does work?

I just tried from the command line on win10 and it works fine

I can’t get the Reicast core to work either. Yes, I have the BIOS files and have “HW Shared Context” enabled. When using my general configuration file that I’ve built up over time, I can get the game to load and run. However, the screen is so zoomed in to one particular part of the screen that I can’t tell what’s going on besides color changes. I can’t tell how well the games runs besides listening to them, which they seem fine outside of some crackling. This issue is immense, as it even extends to the RetroArch menu itself. In the XMB GUI, all of the options become white squares with no accompanying text. If I change it to RGUI, all that happens when opening the menu is that the screen becomes a bit more gray.

If I use a new config file with only that setting changed and custom directories set, RetroArch will crash right when I load a DC game. I don’t know what would cause this, as the log generated doesn’t seem to be too enlightening.

My system has an AMD GPU. Knowing how some shaders don’t like to work with AMD stuff and can sometimes do something similar (I’m not using any shaders or filters when trying to load DC games), I have a feeling that might be the issue.

Is there netplay feature or planned?

That’s way, way out in the future, if at all. We would need to hook up serialization and even then it depends on whether the emulator is capable of it. Beyond that, I’m not sure m/any systems could handle doing the multiple-frames-emulated-per-frame that’s necessary for the catch-up part of a soft-desync.

I figured it out. I did not have a system directory set so when it goes to save the vmu save file it was trying to add it to the content directory. This failed either because of the extra slash it was adding to the path or because the dc directory did not exist in the content directory. So for example lets say my game was in c:\skiesofarcadia\ RA was trying to create the vmu save in c:\skiesofarcadia\dc. Bug?

Also found that having threaded video turned on for this core causes RA to crash.

Chances are my post got buried in the last page due to a new page and completely different question being posed. If not, sorry about the incessant post. I just really want to see this thing work like others are! It’s exciting to think about but frustrating to not get it to work and be clueless as to how to get it to work.

I’m entirely unable to use the Reicast core regardless of if I use a new config file or if I use the same one I’ve been using before. Here’s my post about it. Logs are in that post. My only suspicion is that I’m using an AMD card.

I have tried sonic adventure and sonic adventure 2 it crash Nulldc works

I’m excited about this. I was unable to get this running as well. I will run a debug and post it in a few with my system specs.

This is interesting. I’ve had no problems actually running the core to play games. Either booting through GUI or via Hyperspin/RocketLauncher.

I’ve had major problems getting the memory cards to function properly though.

If I save a game to say, VMU A-1, and later go back to load from that VMU / or Attempt to use that same VMU to store another game save. The VMU isn’t recognized.

I can delete the VMU A-1 file and replace it with a copy of VMU A-2 (renamed to VMU A-1) and it will again recognize it, but obviously that deletes the save I made.

I have the correct bios files however when I try to run a DC game from Lakka, I get the Dreamcast swirl logo moving, then the game intro sound - but no video and then it freezes requiring a reboot. I have HW enabled.

Also I have a problem. Not read bios. “Missing, Required” The first time I put them. Yes, he recognizes.

I discovered failed. You must be within a folder. “bios/dc/dc_boot.bin”