DS3/DS4 Duplicating Button Presses

I randomly have controllers duplicating inputs on the main menu. I don’t know how to fix it but other controllers work fine.

eg. I connect my controllers via USB (in this case none have been setup wirelessly yet) and when I hit the down arrow it jumps all the way down to the last item in the menu.

This makes the controller unusable. It has happened with some DS3’s and a DS4. Other DS3 and DS4 work fine. SFC30 8bitdo works fine.

Using: LAKKA 2.1 Raspberry Pi 3 Dualshock 4 Dualshock 3

Best way i’ve found to address this is to setup a keyboard and navigate over to inputs> then bind all inputs. I believe it says somewhere the mapping goes kinda wonky when using a BT dongle. So much headache in this i just use a xbox360 wired and never looked back.