"DuckStation" in RetroArch is called "SwanStation" now

Says then when using Updater on Retroarch but still Duckstation on the Buildbot.

Why is that? and Why the Name Change?

The ego of the programmers surely as in almost all cases. That is to say, the most logical thing is that the same programmer / group maintains all the versions as it was doing before, but of course, it can be 2 things, that this involves more work and cannot and prefers to focus on certain platforms or that as said the same, as the version of libretro nobody uses it or does not have any metric of the interest of the people, since it was secondary.

In other words, they are arrogant, they want to have all the recognition and to be in the bookstore generally, people know it as Retroarch the emulation, not as Duckstation and that detracts from the project.

As now it seems that the libretto version is maintained by the Libretro team, surely you do not want to be linked directly to the main project and more as a branch of it.

These are assumptions, but I think that’s it, as happened with Flycast. Instead of the community cooperating and rowing in the same direction for the good of the community itself, everyone wants to separate to get more recognition and what they usually get is the opposite or even worse, losing those projects.


I don’t know any of the details, but I believe it is indeed to differentiate between the libretro version and the upstream/standalone version for the purposes of support and bug reports, etc.

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I heard about the details. I don’t want this to turn into mud slinging so I won’t go into it. The real situation was much more mean spirited. I would say this though, why do so many authors feel like they have to stop contributing because their work gets forked? It just keeps happening and happening so it might not be the authors.

We have productive, professional relationships with many authors and teams, but you don’t typically hear about those.


Bit I heard is that they don’t like Retroarch getting the Credit for the Core instead of themselves

Sadly you don’t hear the Good Stories which is Majority o the Authors/Develpoers of the Core’s

I always thought the skewed names made sense. I feel like if a project forks off, and keeps going off on it’s own, it probably deserves it’s own forked name because it’s not really the exact same thing anymore.

Otherwise it could/would get confusing and silly.


Not a Bad Idea and good way that people would not get Confused with a Libretro Manged Core and Core/Emulator from the actual Developer of that Core/Emulator

Let’s hope that’s what it is, it is rare that the author himself does not maintain it, which is the best, as he did before, but of course, according to him, nobody uses the core, because he does not know the downloads he has.

The problem that the cores or forks have are maintenance, I am not saying that they are kept updated the same day, but the assets, once a month, would have to be updated. We have abandoned cores such as Fuse, Bettle Saturn, etc … that have not been updated for at least 1 year or do not comment that they were updated, but because of the changes they were not touched.

Like I say, I don’t want to turn this into a “he said, she said.” But I know two authors that had very similar stories. In DS’s case it started with stand alone and Retroarch version was added for convenience. I can tell you ego played no role. The only real issue is that swanstation is already outdated compared to stand alone duckstation because these forks are rarely able to keep up. The good news is that the emulator was so freaking good before the fork that there isn’t much it can’t do.

A post was split to a new topic: Swanstation Android 6 - Core fails to load

They’re simply jumping on a hate/harassment bandwagon. That’s all there is to it. We don’t want to dwell on it more and we don’t think our audience should be subjected to this infantile pointless drama. We’re going to be the bigger man here. It’s a small handful of people too that want to drag others into this bottomless pit.

The problem is not on our end, it’s entirely on theirs. We’d be willing to come up with a reasonable resolution to whatever gripe they have. The point is they don’t want to, they just want to sling mud and arrows at us and pretend like they’re the victims. We aren’t going to play to their tune with this. It’s not our fault, and frankly we are the victims of this persistent harassment campaign by a small handful of people (that all whip each other into a frenzy with outlandish conspiracy theories as to our supposed ‘intent’ - or ‘malintent’, rather). Believe whatever you want, we don’t want to waste time on this petty BS and we want to move on. So the core name got changed as per the author’s name and we even discussed together what name best to pick and everyone was in agreement. Nothing to see here, move along.

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