Duimon koko-aio Presets

In this vein @Duimon and @kokoko3k, would it be nice if one could repurpose the ambient light to work as a room light? With full colour and positioning manipulation if possible within the same performance envelope?


That would require volumetric lighting, which would probably exceed the performance specs.

Something similar is coming in the Mega Bezel though.


I was thinking along the lines of what could be possible using this existing engine by exposing a few different parameters or altering the code slightly so that instead of a lighting colour which follows the content, one could simple set it to any RGB value or include some presets for warm - incandescent, cool - fluorescent or LED and have a few static positions for the ambi-light instead of the animation.

Hello Duimon, what is the parameter to leave this lighting effect?

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It isn’t in the repo yet, but if you add

BG_IMAGE_NIGHTIFY = "0.600000"
DO_AMBILIGHT = "1.000000"
AMBI_BG_IMAGE_FORCE = "1.000000"
AMBI_FALLOFF = "0.340000"
AMBI_OVER_BEZEL = "1.300000"

to a saved preset it would work.

When I upload the change it will just take editing one file (Removing a “//”.) and it would apply to all presets in a subclass. (bezel, bezel_001, or bezel_003.)

I will have some time to work on this over the weekend, I’m kind of strapped right now.

@Duimon As you probably know, actually it is possible to achieve something like that with little efforts (immersive preset and a room background)

That involves using the add blend mode, strong bg nightification and moving the virtual led position outside the display.

In that sense, further exploitation of the possibilities has been made by @alexb3d months ago by carefully taking advantage of alpha blending.

It is done by modulating the png’s alpha channel to selectively apply ambient illumination, what he achieved is remarkable and does not

(I love that statement!)

It is stored here.


This is feasible with no performance hit (actually lighter).
But question arises: If the light is static and does not follow the content, why not hardcoding it into the bg image?

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I remember this now. Thanks for the reminder.

I can tell you didn’t sit at the back of the class at school! Lol

That might be easier said than done for those who are less graphically or artistically inclined. While having a few baked-in parameters to choose might be simpler for others.

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Very interesting. I’ll have to give this a try.


There’s a trick involved. By default, at least with Gimp, if the alpha channel is completely 0.0 (i mean, totally transparent), the other r,g,b channels are blanked to spare some bits; we do not want that because the underlying color could be needed when the ambient light is supposed to bring it back. In Gimp you can retain rgb channels by selecting an option when saving the png image, but in Photoshop seems trickier.

Quick workaround is to avoid completely transparent areas, I guess.


Yeah, I understand that, but on the other site that would pollute the already big list of parameters with other settings that tend to scare final users

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Seems best just to use a layer mask. I have yet to take a look at the source you posted.

This should be interesting to figure out.

Edit: took a look at the source and a layer mask would be the easiest way to go. Not sure If this would really work with any of my backgrounds. I’ll try some experimenting with the Macintosh rooms, but it seems like it would work the best with foreground objects.


@Duimon With these presets you also have to “Disable tate mode” in the koko-aio shader parameter settings instead of leaving it on “auto” to get proper vertical scanlines for arcade vertical games

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By default I’ve set auto to enable horizontal scanlines on vertical games to mitigate moire, less noticeable that way at 1080p.

What res are you running it with?

I’ll do some more testing but I tested while developing and set the parameters when needed so the scanlines were vertical.

Before I do I need to know which core, rom, and preset you were using.

I run 1440 on my pc monitor and 4k on my television.

I tested a few vertical games and it is happening with all of them, like dkong for instance. I tried with the mame and fbneo core and with both the mame and fbneo presets. Like I mentioned earlier if you turn tate off in the koko-aio settings vertical scanlines are correct.

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I just did some tests myself and you are indeed correct.

I added a fix to the necessary wildcard files and all should be well with next update.

Thanks for the bug report!! :grin:


Playing with the GameBoy preset a bit, trying to get it to look a little like the venerable DMG shader.


Looks great, it might just need some more cowbell.

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Do you have “a fever, and the only prescription is more cowbell!”? :rofl: