Duplicate 1941 - Counter Attack (900227 World) FB Alpha Mac OSX

Hi all, really quite new to the emulator scene although I have got RetroArch p and running with the Amstrad along with the Sega Mega drive and have now moved onto the Classic arcade side of things. I have installed the FB Alpha Cores and scanned my FB Alpha rom sets but seem to have hundreds if not thousands of duplicate filenames of 1941 - Counter Attack (900227 World) - see image below, would be appreciated if anyone can help me either rename or delete these. I believe they are actually different games but named as the 1941 file??

Many thanks Andy


  • first and foremost, are your romsets update to be compatible with latest FBAlpha v0.2.97.42?
  • are the romsets verified with clrmame? and cleaned from other stuffs (missing roms, incomplete, unneede items etc)
  • did you run trrntzip with after verifying roms?

Hi Wertz, thanks for getting back to me. Please forgive my ignorance but i am a bit if a newbie to all this but would like to learn the process for getting a clean library etc. so firstly

  1. how would I check if my romsets are compatible with the latest FBAlpha V0.2.97.42? is there a website or program which I can check the files etc?

  2. Is clrmame a program? that verifies romsets? also what program would I use to clean the romsets if required?

  3. What is trrntzip? and what does it do once the romsets have been cleaned/verified?

Many thanks and eager to learn
