Easy way to switch buttons for one core?


I’ve been playing all of my 8 / 16 bits era cores with a USB SNES controller on Retroarch. It’s cool but I would like to know if there is an easy way to remap the NES original controller’s A and B buttons to respectively SNES controller’s B and Y, without messing the button mapping of my other cores (that would be with per core override I guess) AND without changing Retroarch’s menu mapping. Having “B” (NES) mapped to “Y” (SNES) and “A” (NES) to “B” (SNES) feels more natural than “A” to “A” and “B” to “B”.

I would like to do that for Nestopia UE ; is that possible ?

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you can save key remap on a per core basis-just go to menu>control there is a “save core remap” there, even a per-game remap

Thanks, I’ll try that ; last time I tried to remap buttons while in game, it was not possible to change button mapping.

OK so, there is no “Save core remap option”, I can’t find it anywhere. Also, if while in game I go to the “Input Remap” menu, I can’t change the mappings there. For example there is a line “User 1 Start” but I can’t do anything on it, I can’t change it.

Edit : I found the “Save core remap” option, it’s just badly translated in French (it says “Load core remap”). But I still can’t modify mappings from the “Input remap menu”.

Edit 2 : OK, finally, I found how to change the mappings : insted of pushing the new button, you have to go left or right to change… OK, problem solved then !

glad you figured it out :smiley: