Enterprise - 64/128 (ep128emu) BIOS not recognised but matches MD5

Hi, I noticed if I load the Enterprise - 64/128 (ep128emu) core, and choose the Core Information, none of the BIOS files are recognised.

They are marked as Missing but all the files I have match the MD5 hash values on the Enterprise documentation here https://docs.libretro.com/library/ep128emu/ The files are currently placed loose in Retroarch’s system folder. I have the same issue in Windows and Linux.

Just wondering if the documentation is out of date or perhaps there is some other issue?

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Not sure where you got your BIOS. Mine are listed as “Present”.

The MD5 checksums have not changed, but the BIOS for ep128emu should go to ep128emu/rom/ subfolder inside RetroArch system folder. Current RA versions will also help by showing the expected path in Information/Core Information.

Not sure about the Nightly, but 1.17.0 only shows ‘RetroArch\system’ as the search path in the Core Info. Also my roms show as ‘(!) Preset’ and they are in ‘system/ep128emu/roms/’ (Notice the plural.)


Thank you @Duimon changing rom to roms fixed it :+1: