Epsxe memory cards > retroarch memory cards


I have recently started using retroarch for its 5 gen consoles emulation. I am impressed by accuracy of emulation that can be achieved using its cores. For many years I have been using psxe but it is simply not as accurate as retroarch’s mednafen core. I have only one thing stopping me from making the switch to retroarch, though. Over the years I have accumulated a large number of game saves from various playstation games. They are all inside epsxe’s .mcr format memory cards. I have been trying to somehow migrate my memory cards to retroarch but I have been unable to make any progress. Although retroarch also use .mcr format cards for its mednafen core if I try to use my old cards I can’t load any save files. So, my question is: Is is possible to somehow import or transfer save files from epsxe memory cards to retroarch’s playstation memory cards. I have been searching for an answer all over the web with little success over past few days so I would be very thankful if anybody here was able to offer some help or further directions about my issue.

All I did was leave this options like this:

and rename the epsxe memory cards to this names:

mednafen_psx_libretro_shared.0.mcr mednafen_psx_libretro_shared.1.mcr

Funny thing is I just did this to see if it worked :slight_smile: I don’t even had the need to do this. Glad my curiosity gave me the skills to help you hahahaha

EDIT: Real sorry I think I’m not helping at all :frowning: I thought it was for the windows version! But since I think RetroArch is universal for all the platforms you can try something similar. If it’s not the same just ignore me :frowning:

I have the same problem, and im using windows. But where can i find this setting? Im using the newest version of retroarch and mednafen

Load up mednafen-psx, load some content, go back into the menu and it’ll be in ‘core options’

So im in the game, i press F1 to return to the menu, but my menu doesnt look the same as the screenshot, and my core options doesnt have the same setting. What am i doing wrong?

Looks the same here. Are you using very old builds of mednafen-psx and/or RA?

http://www.libretro.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/device-2015-07-05-032246.png It looks like this when i press f1, only that im in the Quick menu. RA 1.2 Mednafen 0.9.32

EDIT: Looks like it could be the core version. Ill try updating that

Edit2: Ive used the online update function in retroarch, but that didnt update the core after downloading it. If i wanted to manually update the core, which of the dlls/files in the pack am i using? http://mednafen.sourceforge.net/releases/

None of those. We maintain a separate fork. Go here: http://buildbot.libretro.com/nightly/ navigate into the directory for your platform and then scroll all the way to the bottom, in the folder labeled ‘latest.’

Thanks for your help. =) I downloaded the new dll and and then the memorycard option appeared in the menu, though i have no idea how to go back to the retro-skin from the scrshot. After downloading and setting it up, i followed the instruction to rename the files and that worked perfectly

Hello, everyone. I’m pretty new to the whole RetroArch thing, and so far I love it. I’ve got it up and running and it’s working great… But I cannot for the life of me get my old psxe saves transfered to mednafen. I tried the above methods, but nothing seems to do the trick.

I’m using RetroArch in conjunction with Emulation Station, with mednafen_psx_libretro.dll as the core. I don’t even know where it’s saving memory cards to!

Any help on this at all would be really appreciated!


Nevermind! First, I realize too late that this forum isn’t for the Windows version of RetroArch… And second, I figured it out. =p