[ERROR] [http] Could not create new HTTP session handle

Hello everyone. First, thank you for making RetroArch! Unfortunately I have a problem and I hope you can help me.

The online updater does not work on my PC (Windows 10, 64 bit). When I try to download a core or update assets, database etc., a message is shown: Task failed: Downloading 'file name’

I have tried version 1.6.3, 1.6.0, 1.5.0 and the latest nightly version (all 64 bit and also 32 bit). So it can’t be a bug in RetroArch, I guess.

Then, I checked my network. Everything is fine, no problems to go online and downloading stuff. I also downloaded RetroArch on my Android tablet (in the same network). On the Tablet the online updater works fine, I can download cores and update assets, core info files etc.

Next I checked the Windows Firewall and Windows Defender (Antivirus), turned both off and restarted RetroArch, but the online updater is still not working, so it can’t be the Firewall/Antivirus.

This is what the log file in my RetroArch folder says (fresh install, no config changes) when I try to download a core and update some files:

And here is what my (new and unchanged) config file says:

So, I don’t know what else I can do. Hopefully you can help me.

Hi @Khaar,

Is the error happening when downloading the list of cores or when downloading the actual core itself?

Way more obvious questions first:

  • Has it ever worked on this computer? If so, when? And have you recently installed any other programs?

  • Is your drive out of space?

  • Does your RA folder have a permissions problem?

  • Are you low on RAM?

  • Do all other browsers and/or network apps on your computer work normally? Can you do basic things like “ping google.com” ?

If none of that is a problem, first thing I would do is use the RetroArch installer if you haven’t already, this will give us a clean slate to work with and won’t have any potential permission problems an existing folder might have (if there were, the installer will fail pretty quickly).

Try several different network-related operations within RA. Core updater, assets, content downloader, refresh netplay room list, etc.

If the version that was just installed still doesn’t work at all, I would ask that you upload a wireshark packet capture between you and our server so we can see if the issue is actually network-related (at least within this PC).

If that comes back clean, then the next step would be firing up a debugger and stepping through the code to see exactly where/why it’s failing.

A possibly easier/saner test might be to boot your system off a LiveCD, then download and run RA from there if possible… if that works, then it’s not your hardware and most likely an issue with your Windows installation (corrupt file/bad driver/etc).

Hope this helps.

Hi @anon90536803 ,

Thank you for your help. I will do what you told me, but first let me answer your questions:

When downloading the list of cores.


No, this is the first time I’m using RetroArch.


No, I have 137 GB free space on my drive.


Not sure yet. Right-click the RA folder >> Properties >> Security tab. Everything looks good, I have all permissions to read, write, change etc. However, I can’t install RA with the installer (neither latest stable or nightly). Windows blocks the installation, telling me that Windows is protecting me against a potential threat!


16 GB DDR4 :smiley:


Yes everything else works perfect. I can use my browser for Internet and YouTube, play online Games etc., and ping Google.com did also work (24ms).


I did, but nothing works. Same error: Task failed: Downloading 'file name’


So, the installer does not work, but everything else looks good so far. Until you answer me regarding the installer I’ll go and boot from a Linux LiveCD to check out if it is the hardware or not.

If the hardware is OK and you tell me that the issue with the installer doesn’t matter, then I will upload a wireshark packet capture and/or firing up a debugger (I probably need to google a tutorial first).

I am running into the same problem and can’t seem to get around it. In my case the network information listed in the GUI points to it using a network connection which is disconnected or not in use. If it is trying to egress on that connection (which has a 169.x.x.x address), I suspect it should result in the failure we’re seeing. I can’t find a way to force it to bind to a different adapter to test if it is only attempting egress on that interface.