Exit Game with Select+Start on Retroarch Android


Just installed Retroarch on an Android device (with 8Bitdo NES30 BT) and am desperately missing the Hotkeys I know and love from RetroPie. In particular Select+Start to exit a game but also Select+Shoulder Buttons to Load/Save.

I don’t have root access to my device to edit files.

I went into settings -> input -> hotkeys and did not find anything like “exit game” only “exit retroarch” which I tried and failed to assign two keys to. It seems not to understand when I hold two keys down.

Next I tried to assign “Select” to the Option “Enable Hotkeys” but that just seemed to break all input and I had to re-install Retroarch to get the controller to work again.

Thanks for the help in advance!

I’m not sure if it’s exactly what you want, but you can set Start+Select to toggle the menu under:

Settings > Input > Menu Toggle Gamepad Combo

Thanks @metchebe that worked!

I have a few other questions:

  1. I’ve unset the option which seems to swap “A” and “B” quite a few times but it keeps setting itself each time I start retroarch. Do I have to save somehow?

  2. How would I go about defining Select+RightShoulder to save game? Is it “Select” to enable Hotkeys and then “RightShoulder” assigned to Save?

  3. Is there a more user-friendly option or layer above retroarch like retropie (emulation station) for android? With the RetroArch UI I need about 10 clicks to launch a title and new users aren’t able to use it at all.


I can definitely confirm that assigning “Select” (109) to “Enable Hotkeys” immediately stops the controller from working inside RetroArch.

OK, it seems not “exiting cleanly” by choosing “Quit RetroArch” from the Home menu was the reason my settings were not saved.

I’ve filed the Select button as an issue on github.