Exodus: Cycle accurate Genesis Emulator

Not sure if anyone’s aware but there’s a pretty nice open source Genesis emulator called Exodus that’s apparently cycle accurate:


Has anyone thought of adding that to retroarch? Seems like it’s basically higan for Genesis.

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I just tried it out, it works pretty good.

But I’ve never understood the point of cycle-accurate emulation, while it seems cool in theory, Don’t see how one would prefer it.

^Personal Opinion

The point surely is to accurately represent the system being emulated? There’s bound to be inaccuracies without it, though granted, you probably wouldn’t notice a lot of them.

It definitely can’t hurt to have the option anyway.

It would be nice to have, yeah. Although i assume it’s not as needed since Genesis Plus GX is already accurate enough and claims 100% compatibility.

I wish other emulators were open source to fill gaps in RetroArch like Demul for Dreamcast and Phoenix for Jaguar emulation. But that’s wishful thinking.

Here’s another one which is supposedly very accurate but requires very little overhead: https://www.retrodev.com/blastem/