Extracting CHD files

I store my CD games in .bin + .cue then in CHD files for compression. My questions are: Can I play CD audio tracks (Redbook audio) directly from CHD files? I would love that. And how can I extract .bin + .cue from CHD files? I use chdman.exe along with .cmd file for easy, one click .bin + .cue conversion to CHD. Can someone please make me or point me to similar .cmd file for just as easy extracting?

Here are my chdman.exe and .cmd files: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1zG8rJYxMSzKl6dGIOEUocXCOC6ry5fls


I’m not familiar with .cmd files, but if you can implement it yourself the command is:

chdman extractcd -i FILE.chd -o FILE.cue -ob FILE.bin

where FILE is whatever you wish (presumably the game name).


Thanks for the replay! Here is what’s inside .cmd file. Maybe that helps altho pasting it here changes where new lines begin:

@echo off @cls set rompath=C:\Users\Bero\Desktop set destpath=C:\Users\Bero\Desktop for /R “%rompath%” %%G in (*.cue) do ( echo. echo === Converting %%~nG to CHD === chdman createcd -i “%%G” -o “%destpath%%%~nG.chd” -f echo. echo. )

I opened command prompt, went to folder where chdman and .chd file were and entered: “chdman extractcd -i FILE.chd -o FILE.cue -ob FILE.bin” (with game name replacing “FILE”). Nothing happened. What was I doing wrong?

Hard to know without knowing what your .chd files are named and where they are. I would guess a mistake specifying the input chd filename.

chdman.exe should exit with an error, what is it?

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601] Copyright © 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:\Users\Bero>cd documents

C:\Users\Bero\Documents>cd games

C:\Users\Bero\Documents\Games>cd sega saturn

C:\Users\Bero\Documents\Games\Sega Saturn>chdman extractcd -i Dragon Ball Z - Shin Butoden (Japan).chd -o Dragon Ball Z - Shin Butoden (Japan).cue -ob Dragon Ball Z - Shin Butoden (Japan).bin chdman - MAME Compressed Hunks of Data (CHD) manager 0.189 (mame0189) Error: Expected option, not parameter

Usage: chdman extractcd [options], where valid options are: –output, -o : output file name (required) –outputbin, -ob : output file name for binary data –force, -f: force overwriting an existing file –input, -i : input file name (required) –inputparent, -ip : parent file name for input CHD

C:\Users\Bero\Documents\Games\Sega Saturn>

Try filenames in quotes:

chdman extractcd -i "Dragon Ball Z - Shin Butoden (Japan).chd" -o "Dragon Ball Z - Shin Butoden (Japan).cue" -ob "Dragon Ball Z - Shin Butoden (Japan).bin"

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Yeah that worked. Thank you very much!

I have a compression script that will make Bin+Cue files a CHD, even multi track bins will work. Now, how do I uncompress them when needed, can you edit this script so we can all have a script that will revert the games back to the uncompressed state?

@echo off 
set rompath=
set destpath=
for /R "%rompath%" %%G in (*.cue) do ( 
echo === Converting %%~nG to CHD ===
chdman createcd -i "%%G" -o "%destpath%\%%~nG.chd" -f 

place a copy of chdman from official mame release in the same folder as the chds along with a text file with the following inside:

for /r %%i in (*.chd) do chdman extractcd -i “%%i” -o “%%~ni.cue”

rename the text file to extract.bat and run it

To recompress, use this as the command:

for /r %%i in (*.cue, *.gdi) do chdman createcd -i “%%i” -o “%%~ni.chd”

Although only cue is referenced, the .bin/.iso files need to be in the folder too.

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Thank you, can you elaborate? The batch I posted earlier is nice because I can choose input and output folder, it’s better this way so we don’t stress out our storage making it read and write at the same time.


Basically put chdman.exe (which you can get from mamedev.org) and create a .bat file with the code I mentioned and run it.

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@aorin1 Here’s your script modified for exttaction instead of compression. Paste it on a bat file and use it the same way. I’m on my mobile right now, can’t test it but I think its correct and will work

@echo off @cls set rompath= set destpath= for /R “%rompath%” %%G in (*.chd) do ( echo. echo === Extracting %%~nG from CHD === chdman extractcd -i “%%G” -o “%destpath%%%~nG.cue” -f echo. echo. )

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Is there a way to extract to multi-track bin? I assumed Kronos supported CHD and converted all the bin/cue’s. Now the extracted bin/cue’s can’t be loaded, I used CHD v5 but this might be related to multitrack.