Failed to initialize init video problem N64 Windows 7?

Hey there so today I was wanting to N64 with my friend on retroarch and we noticed he couldn’t even run N64 roms on his computer it kept failing to initialize init video. Any idea what that means and how to fix it??? Note N64 hasn’t worked before on his computer this was the first time we attempted it. Also to note I have the EXACT same setup at my house and that doesn’t happen on my PC.

hmm. there could be a number of reasons for that. We would need a verbose log (launch from CLI with --verbose) to know more.

FYI, analogs don’t work over N64 netplay.

Sorry but speaking of netplay I looked around a little and I could not find anything so I’m going to ask: Is there any compatibility list for netplay? Anyone tried to play playstation games online?

Savestates and rewind support are necessary for netplay, and savestates are unstable and unreliable in mednafen-psx, unfortunately.

Sorry I should have reitterated my post and not mentioned netplay… he cannot play N64 games period. I will post a log as soon as I can get one. How does the command line operation look exactly? I tried opening command line from the retroarch folder then doing: retroarch -L %CD%/cores/mupen64plus_libretro.dll Z:/path/to/libretro/game.rom -v and it just crashes retroarch… keep in mind the Z:/path/to/libretro/game.rom is actually changed to the path of the rom I am attempting to load.

That looks right to me. It’s not giving you any kind of error with that?

After looking around some more I figured out how to make a log. retroarch.exe -L %CD%\cores\mupen64plus_libretro.dll “Z:\EMULATIONSTATION.emulationstation\roms 64\game.n64” --verbose >> log.txt 2>&1

Also we tried netplay on PSX and it crashes instantly when we try connecting. Could this be related to the issue? Here is the log from my friends computer when N64 crashes:

[QUOTE=whitezombie455;23536] RetroArch: init_video: Video @ 1600x900 RetroArch: find_video_driver: Using HW render, OpenGL driver forced. RetroArch: gl_init: Found GL context: wgl RetroArch: gl_init: Detecting screen resolution 1366x768. RetroArch: gfx_ctx_wgl_swap_interval: [WGL]: wglSwapInterval(1) RetroArch: gl_init: [GL]: Vendor: Intel, Renderer: Mobile Intel® 4 Series Express Chipset Family. RetroArch: gl_init: [GL]: Version: 2.1.0 - Build RetroArch: gl_query_extension: Querying GL extension: ARB_ES2_compatibility => doesn’t exist RetroArch: gl_query_extension: Querying GL extension: ARB_sync => doesn’t exist RetroArch: gl_query_extension: Querying GL extension: ARB_texture_float => exists RetroArch: gl_query_extension: Querying GL extension: EXT_texture_sRGB => exists RetroArch: gl_query_extension: Querying GL extension: ARB_framebuffer_sRGB => doesn’t exist RetroArch: gl_init: GL: Using resolution 1366x768 RetroArch: gl_init: [GL]: Default shader backend found: glsl. RetroArch: gl_shader_init: [GL]: Not loading any shader. RetroArch: gl_init: [GL]: Using 1 textures. RetroArch: gl_init: [GL]: Loaded 0 program(s). RetroArch: gl_init_hw_render: [GL]: Initializing HW render (1024 x 1024). RetroArch: gl_init_hw_render: [GL]: Max texture size: 4096 px, renderbuffer size: 2048 px. RetroArch: gl_query_extension: Querying GL extension: ARB_framebuffer_object => doesn’t exist RetroArch [ERROR] :: init_video :: Cannot open video driver … Exiting … RetroArch [ERROR] :: rarch_main_init :: Fatal error received in: “init_video()”[/QUOTE]

See if updating your video driver solves the issue, Intel provides an update utility for their drivers here

Ok we’ll try that on his computer.

Unfortunately, I have one more thing… so we decided to try netplay over PSX and it crashes BUT on both our PCs the game loads fine without netaplay. Here is the info listed in command line on my computer for that… To note we both checked core options and have save states disabled.

[QUOTE=whitezombie455;23542]RetroArch: init_netplay: Connecting to netplay host… RetroArch: send_info: Connected to: “”[/QUOTE] Did you configure the server/host/ip/whatever in the netplay settings? You need to do that for netplay to work. You also need to enable “savestates” in the core options (on both machines), load a random ps1 game with Mednafen and go into the core options and enable the option then configure/enable netplay and reload the game. If it still doesn’t work I think the problem it’s just that Mednafen doesn’t yet handle savestates that well like hunterk said.

Oh and I just googled your GPU (Intel 4 Series) and it seems to have been introduced in 2008 which is about the same time my Intel G33 was released and mine has bad OpenGL drivers on Windows (works fine on Linux thanks to mesa). I heard that during this time there was a sort of OpenGL boycott by Microsoft & Friends so there’s a chance you won’t get it to work at all (the Mupen64Plus and PPSSPP need ARB_framebuffer_object support) .

[QUOTE=enygmata;23543]Did you configure the server/host/ip/whatever in the netplay settings? You need to do that for netplay to work. You also need to enable “savestates” in the core options (on both machines), load a random ps1 game with Mednafen and go into the core options and enable the option then configure/enable netplay and reload the game. If it still doesn’t work I think the problem it’s just that Mednafen doesn’t yet handle savestates that well like hunterk said.

Oh and I just googled your GPU (Intel 4 Series) and it seems to have been introduced in 2008 which is about the same time my Intel G33 was released and mine has bad OpenGL drivers on Windows (works fine on Linux thanks to mesa). I heard that during this time there was a sort of OpenGL boycott by Microsoft & Friends so there’s a chance you won’t get it to work at all (the Mupen64Plus and PPSSPP need ARB_framebuffer_object support) .[/QUOTE] Turning savestates on kinda fixed the issue… we managed to get it too work for a bit and it crashed. Our netplay settings are fine because we can play SNES fine. The log for the PSX crash is here: As for N64 we tried updating his drivers on his PC and none were available to update. So back to square one for N64… Any other recommendations for N64???

Yeah savestates and netplay with Mednafen is a hit/miss situation, unfortunately. The N64 issue is a matter of bad/old video driver/hardware with poor OpenGL support, you’ll be better off with standalone Mupen64plus or even Project64.

Can this be improved in the future or should I just lose all hope?

Thanks again for all the help

Sad part is then we cannot do netplay which was the whole main reason sadly… Is there not anything else we can try to get it to work? Could we force it to use direct3D maybe with n64 because I do know now it is a problem with the opengl. We were trying another program out and it mentioned an opengl issue.

I’m not sure where the problem lies but I think this is something that can only be fixed by the Mednafen PSX developer, unless somebody is up to enable mednafen’s built-in netplay on the libretro port in case it supports that.

I think the only way you to use Direct3D with mupen64plus-libretro is if you use the angrylion graphics plugin with the cxd4 RSP plugin. It is WAY slower than the other plugins but it’s WAY more accurate, if you want to try change the following variables in retroarch-core-options.cfg then use the D3D video driver in retroarch:

mupen64-gfxplugin = "angrylion"
mupen64-rspplugin = "cxd4"

I did a quick search in Mednafen forum and confirmed something I feared:

“Mednafen’s PS1 emulation is not particularly well-suited to netplay due to other reasons(huge save state size, and high CPU requirements). Not to mention that many PS1 games already have a (relatively) large amount of input->video latency built-in compared to games for consoles from previous generations.”

[QUOTE=enygmata;23567]I’m not sure where the problem lies but I think this is something that can only be fixed by the Mednafen PSX developer, unless somebody is up to enable mednafen’s built-in netplay on the libretro port in case it supports that.

I think the only way you to use Direct3D with mupen64plus-libretro is if you use the angrylion graphics plugin with the cxd4 RSP plugin. It is WAY slower than the other plugins but it’s WAY more accurate, if you want to try change the following variables in retroarch-core-options.cfg then use the D3D video driver in retroarch:

mupen64-gfxplugin = "angrylion"
mupen64-rspplugin = "cxd4"


Yay it works… but with one slight problem. Slight being a big problem. Game is unplayable due to extreme lag. Any recommended options we can change to fix the lag?

I assume by ‘lag’ you mean low framerate. If so, nope. Those plugins are intended for debugging and development, not for regular playing, and definitely not for netplay.

Alright. Well at least it is something. I do thank everyone for all the help. I hope in the near future my friend gets a better PC lol.