Failed To Load Content With nSide Balanced

Whenever I try to load anything with nSide Balanced I get a Failed To Load Content message. Looking at the log seems to indicate it’s looking for Boards.bml- I eventually tracked this file down and put it where the core expected it and the content loaded to a black screen.

Any ideas on how I can get this core to run properly?

Hi could you post the log somewhere like pastebin. Also what OS are you running?

I’ve tried it here and works without the need of that file. Could you try this demo:

Running in Retroarch with the core from here on ubuntu 16.04

I’m running Windows 10 Pro. I tried the R.O.M. you linked and it gave me the same Failed To Load Content message.


Have you tried to remove the core and redownload it?

Yes, I’ve tried re-downloading the core numerous times.

Apparently, the version downloaded through the Online Updater just doesn’t work on my system for some reason. I found a different version:

This one seems to be working for the moment. Thanks for all your help!

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Yes, the version downloaded through the Online Updater doesn’t work on my system too.