Fast forward problem

Hello everyone, I’m a new user in this forum looking for help.

Fast forward works strangely with me using the latest stable version of Retroarch (1.17.0). I play on Android with a Xbox bluetooth controller: the game goes faster, but I can’t use all other buttons while fast forwarding, so I can’t move the character while doing it! To use fast forwarding I assigned a free controller button, which is not used in any other way in games. This same behavior happens in every game.

The “hotkey enable” option is disabled.

Instead, using an older version of Retroarch (1.9.12), it works fine, so I don’t know what changed between the two versions. I need to use the latest version because some games’ retroachievments don’t work with older versions…

I share a link with a video posted on Reddit asking for this problem, so you immediatley understand the problem:

I checked and it works fine also on 1.16.0. So the problem occurs only in the latest release…