Fast forward stuck at 2x

Been happening for a few weeks. None of the related settings, that i can see, change it.

SNES used to go nearly 2000fps and is now maxing at exactly 120, for example.

Any ideas?

Cheers :smiley:

If you’re using Vulkan, you can enable Fast-Forward Frameskip under Settings, Frame Throttle. Or in Nvidia Control Panel you can disable “Prefer Layered on dxgi swapchain”. D3D11 fast forward can be throttled if you have vsync forced on in Nvidia settings instead of application controlled.


Oh, that’s probably it… i switched to vulkan.

Fast-Forward Frameskip is already enabled… I don’t like farting around with Nvidia settings that I don’t understand, so i guess ill just live with it. heh


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