Fb alpha dejó de funcionar - With yesterday's update, fb alpha stopped

Anoche me encontré con una actualización de android, al aplicarla fb alpha dejó de funcionar. Se cuelga al abrir el núcleo. algunos juegos de mi lista corren, otros hacen que retroarch se cuelgue.

Last night I came across an android update, when applied fb alpha stopped working. Hangs when opening the core. Some games on my list run, others have retroarch hang.

what version was the last one you used before updating? most probably you needed new rom sets as fba has updated roms especially cps2 games.

  • Me dices que actualice el core? fb alpha es la que tenia, no la versión 2012. de igual manera hice una prueba bajando de nuevo el emulador y tambien la 2012, pasa lo mismo. incluso al darle abrir nucleo, la 2012 hace que retroarch termine el proceso y vuelva al launcher de android.

  • You tell me to update the core? Fb alpha is the one I had, not the 2012 version. In the same way I did a test downloading again the emulator and also in 2012, it happens the same. Even when giving it open core, 2012 makes retroarch finish the process and return to the android launcher.

Feels like a system issue, perhaps a retroarch issue, core issue seems unlikely if both cores stopped working at the same time.