FBA core for android working incorrectly?

The latest fba core for android is acting really weird, a lot of roms that used to work in previous versions like marvel vs capcom or megaman 2 power fighters no longer work and games that used to run fullspeed now have frequent slowdowns and sound problems. The latest is version the previous version that I backed up (.38) doesn’t have this problem and runs all games at full speed. Fba 2012 seems to also work correctly. Is this a regression or the new fba uses different roms? All my roms work in the previous versions of the core. Anyone having the same problems?

update your romsets-especially cps2 or stay with fba below versions

The issue with some roms not working anymore is more likely solved by using a romset specifically put together for .39 revision. What rom version worked in .38 might not work in .39. You need to update your roms to the latest version.

Regarding the slowdowns, please give examples. There are always small issues with each new version of FBA. What fixes one game, could mess up another.

What is weird is that you ask this after you told people having the same issue in other posts to update their roms, which means you don’t understand your own answer, which is really really weird.

Name a few games that ran at full speed on .38 and not on .39 and i’ll look into them.

Thanks a lot guys I will look for the new romset, regarding the slowdowns, games that used to work faster in 2012 and .38 for me are demon front, dragon blaze, the gladiator, pulirula, and knights of valour 2. Also I found a bug in some fba games like Biomechanical toy and Cadillacs and dinosaurs that if you have the select button mapped to enable hotkeys in retroarch input it doesn’t work as credit button

thats strange, coz i have been playing pgm games without problems… of course im using windows. pgm are also updated often.

re-verify your romsets with clrmame with correct version of DAT file.

On my GPD XD android handheld all of this works perfect on latest FBA core with roms from latest FBA romset. Just update you roms.

What’s your android hardware ? Those games won’t run at full speed on any hardware (if i remember well, they won’t run at full speed on rpi3 without some overclocking). Yes they were less picky on .38, and no i don’t think it’ll get any better in the future (they already run at full speed on a 35€ piece of hardware, which is pretty nice…). Stick to .38 if you are unhappy with that.

I kinda remember there was a post a long time ago about your issue with hotkey+credit, you should consider searching the forum for it.