(FBNEO Android) 7zip archive support is disabled for your platform

It’s been a while since I last updated RA’s cores on this android device, but none of the games will start anymore on FBNeo since 7z support is disabled. I don’t understand why that is, but if this is permanent, can you tell exactly which version this change has taken place? I want to revert back to when 7z just worked.

I’ll link a previous answer about this : https://www.reddit.com/r/RetroArch/comments/1i50tlm/comment/m814jo5/


Thanks for the information:

“the reason being that the libretro buildbot was unable to compile lib7z after we updated it”.

I don’t have a backup of the core prior to this update, I intend locking updates to this core to avoid issues like these, as all games I play are perfectly fine.

How can I find this compiled file?

Aside from building it yourself, i don’t know of any way to get an old version of a core. Arguably, if you have a recent version of the android ndk (which is what’s missing on the buildbot), you might not even have to build an old version of the core

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I don’t have a ready to go environment to compile stuff, it’s a bit technical as well. Seem like the best bet is to lock arcade cores to avoid these issues.

Is there anything RA’s devs can do to sort out the 7z build issues?

Again, this seems like an issue due to the new lib7z version not liking outdated compilers. Another user had a similar problem on a different platform with an outdated compiler too. You’d have to ask the libretro buildbot maintainers more than RA devs.

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I’ll open an issue on RA’s github and see if this is sorted out. Thanks again!

Let me know if you happen to get the buildbot updated, i’ll still have to re-enable 7z for those 32-bits builds afterward. Actually it might be a good idea to flag me in the issue you’ll open.

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The core was updated a few times since this thread was created. But the 7z issue remains.

@BarbuDreadMon fixed the issue on github and now the 7z games load fine.

Thanks for taking a look into it and fixing the issue!

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