Feature Request / Extend control mapping to include the mouse

I have read a lot of post of people including myself that use an I-PAC 2 to play their classic games especially MAME. However much I what i have read references hand help games pads (Xbox, NES, Sega) to name a few.
every standalone emulator i have used allowed for Mouse movement, Mouse button and Keyboard mapping. Please consider this request in the next build. especial for Paddle, trackball and shooting games.

Thank you in advance for your consideration.

RetroArch already supports them. It’s up to the core to implement them though. The MAME git core supports mouse and keyboard mapping. I use the mouse for trackball and spinner games. You might have to enable mouse in the core options if it’s not on by default, then map it in MAME’s GUI (press tab while in game).

I think he means “joypad emulation with kb+mouse” We emulate joypads with kb only and it’s pretty complex already so idk…

I can tell one thing for sure, this won’t be there for the next build (if ever)

Mame works great but I haven’t used the core version. How does it compare mameuifx?

Reicast emulates the games well but can’t get sonic adventure 2 to respond to the game pad. Sonic adventures is slow. Crazy taxi work fine. Sticking with nulldc until this one gets up and running

STELLA core don’t know of if it supports Mouse spinner or trackball. Stand alone does.

The MAME core works just the same as vanilla MAME. But with RA’s shader support and audio video sync. It used to have a no nag option built in too, but it’s hard to keep that feature working while also keeping such a complex core up to date, so it’s not in there ATM.

Reicast has quite a ways to go to get good. I’m looking forward to replacing Demul since that likes to crash lately and never really had perfectly smooth performance. I guess I could use NullDC in the meantime if there was something I was dying to play from the DC.

It’s a shame this is a per-core issue, as having standard Mouse>Light-Gun support would be amazing. I haven’t gotten to that point yet, but using a Wii-Mote as a mouse is how I intend to tackle the problem of not having a light-gun. Is there by chance a list of cores that allow mouse functionality?

I’m also looking forward to Reicast coming into it’s own. NullDC is great, but the lack of analogue support kills games like Sonic Adventure 2. I haven’t noticed the aforementioned slowdown with Sonic Adventure 1… in gameplay anyway. I have serious issues getting the intro movies to go more than about 1fps with a black screen. but I don’t want to diverge this topic.

It has analog support depending on the input plugin. I use PuruPuru, which also supports rumble.

Input plugin???

I wasn’t aware this used plugins… Now I’m starting to think I wasn’t using NullDC pre-Reicast core at all… Maybe it was chankast or something…