FF7 Cannot Start


I set up the RetroArch and started FInal Fantasy 7 and everything is fine until I have to choose a SAVESLOT which is not possible. So I am stuck right here and can’t continue to the game.

Any suggestions how I can get the game to work?

Make sure you have write access to the directory that it’s trying to save in. IIRC, newer versions of android won’t let apps write to the SD card anymore, so you may have to set your save directory to something on your internal storage.

Thanks for the quick reply. I have a Nexus 5 with android 4.4.4. I am saving the .SRM in an internal folder since there is no SD card slot. I’ve tried different folders but always getting the ‘not possible’ sound good f I want to save to a slot.

Nobody had a similar issue with the game? FF7 dudes

Does it work with other games? That is, is it only FF7 that’s giving you problems? If so, make sure you have and are using a legit BIOS, as the HLE BIOS can cause weird things to happen.

Thanks hunter for your replies. I tried the save games with chrono trigger and it saves it I the same folder as .SRM although I have to use the state saves to continue cause the savegames are gone when i restart RetroArch. I currently use the file scph1002.bin as BIOS. I might try another one and let you know.

Hmm. Are you making sure to exit cleanly (i.e., choosing ‘quit retroarch’ from RGUI)? They shouldn’t be disappearing like that…

Got the either BIOS scph5500-02 and it works. I will consider the clean exits. Thank you again