For the love of god stop it already!

Stop wasting your time driving this app into the core of the friggin earth!!! The play store build works. Anything else is a major atrocity that you should be embarrassed you ever had a part in! Your not doing this for free you’re doing this to waste your time! There are so much better things you could be doing! Give up! Throw in the damn towel! Are you trying to show everyone how much you suck at life? Close shop!!! Abort! What is wrong with you! Stop smoking crack! What is this worthless monster you are creating! Even the Frankenstein monster is confused! The ppsspp emulator i hear talked up all the time is crap and doesn’t hold half of a candle to the nightly ppsspp builds! If you thought setting up the games was confusing before forget it! These in game menus make me dizzy and tired just looking at them! I used to be able to apply nice presets for filters on my games. If that’s still an option I don’t even no where to begin to look for it! The emulators now crash a lot and when they work performance is the same as the play store build! Controller support is broken! If I put a cfg file into the autoconfig folder all the games crash on launch! If you waste enough time with this you’ll be dead!!!

Shaders are under options and those have just been fixed actually. And it’s working, and it’s pretty much flawless for me, Shield Controller, DS3 and DS4 working fine, also in a variety of devices, I tried a Nexus 5, a Moto G 2013, a Shield tablet and a Samsung Galaxy S5, all with the DS3 and DS4 work fine, Shield Controller only works on the shield of course.

You’re just doing it wrong. BTW, be respectful. Don’t like what we’re doing? well it’s fine, but don’t come to our place to throw crap at us.

Last time I checked you were not paying for anything so really, fix your attitude, then come back and tell us in a rational and calm manner what the issues are that you find with the current release. If you can’t do that I’d appreciate you stay away.

Ok, If you think the UI Is confusing please help out and design a new layout that is not confusing. if every one likes the new layout then it can be added to the list of things to do in the future for devs unless you would also like to also do it from the code area.

Administrator party in a locked thread [edit: damn, I forgot that image embedding is broken :/]