Full customisation of Nintendo 64 controls


I’ve recently been digging into RetroArch on Windows 7 and have a query about its Nintendo 64 emulation, specifically regarding the control scheme. As I understand, a gamepad’s right trigger will modify the face buttons to act as the N64 controller’s C buttons, while the right shoulder button acts as the N64’s R button.

I’m wondering if it’s possible to swap that modifier functionality between the right trigger and the right shoulder button.

This would provide symmetry for the left and right triggers in certain games (e.g. banking left and right in Star Fox 64), which I find desirable. The right control stick gives me sufficient C-button functionality in these cases. Swapping the shoulder and trigger in the RetroArch control config only results in both buttons becoming C modifiers when playing N64 games. In case it’s helpful to know, I’m using an Xbox One controller.

To condense: is there a way to have full customisation of controls for the Mupen64Plus core or at the very east swap (or even remove) the right trigger’s functionality as a modifier?

You can remmap everything in core remapping options, under options

I had checked that menu pretty thoroughly, but I’ve just given it another look to be sure. Nevertheless, these are the only options present in that menu:


CPU Core Buttons B and A Player Pak 1 Player Pak 2 Player Pak 3 Player Pak 4 Disable Expansion Ram GFX Accuracy GFX Plugin RSP Plugin Resolution Texture filtering VI Refresh Framerate

No remapping for the Mupen core specifically, and I can’t seem to find that option anywhere else. Should it be there?

Options / Core Remapping Options If there is no such menu, then you’re in a very old version

I’d been using the latest stable build, I’ve now downloaded the latest nightly build and, sure enough, the core remapping option is in there, and I can use that right trigger as I please! Thank you so much!

Is there a way to bind the c-buttons separate from a and b? Eg I’m using a 360 controller, and a and b are literally the 360 a and b buttons. I’d like to move them to x, a, more like the real N64 layout, but if I do it the C-buttons get all screwy.