Fullscreen GL problem in Windows 7 x64

Hey all, first time poster but long time RetroArch user. For some reason, version 1.3 and the nightlies don’t take up the whole screen when I switch to fullscreen, regardless of disabling windowed fullscreen. It only does this when using the GL video driver, the others seem to display fine but as I understand it GL offers the lowest input latency so I’m trying to stick with that. I’m running at a resolution of 597x224 and 640x240 depending on the system, which makes for an easy 8:3 aspect ratio correction for my CRT (Sony PVM). I was wondering if anyone else is having this problem. I’d like to use the newest version I can to make sure my emulation is as accurate as possible. The attached picture is set to fullscreen exclusive with windowed fullscreen dsabled.

Using ATI HD3000 onboard video, if that has anything to do with it.

Hmm. Is it out of sync, too? My PVM looks sort of like that if you try to force 480p onto it.

The version of RetroArch won’t affect accuracy, as you can use updated cores with an older version of RetroArch. So, if this ends up being something that isn’t/can’t be fixed, you could always revert to the older version that worked better for your purposes and just use updated cores.

My PVM does weird stuff when white is shown on the screen sometimes. It gives what I’ll call a “windblown” effect. It really doesn’t show like that in-game, but since windows is 90% white, it does that. It’s displaying at 480i, as Windows is pretty damn tough to use in any lower res. Any other irregularities are just due to my phone camera being awful.

I was wanting to use 1.3 because it gives an option to use 16ms audio buffer rather than 32+, and I assumed that had an effect on overall latency. There are a few other options like per-game settings that I was interested in as well. The older version works just fine, but I’m going for optimization.

The audio latency setting could always go lower, the lower settings just weren’t accessible from the GUI. You can still get them with the older versions just by manually editing your retroarch.cfg. Per-game overrides are definitely handy, though :slight_smile:

I’m surprised that it’s working for you at 480i. I’ve heard some people complain that RetroArch doesn’t work properly with interlaced resolutions and instead tries to force progressive resolutions all the time.

Oh snap, good to know that you can change the latency in the config. I’ll give that a shot.

RA isn’t actually running at 480i for me, that’s just what my Windows runs at. When I start RA, it switches to 640x240 or 597x224. It does run just fine in 480i for me though, as far as I know. I played some 64 roms in 480i but I prefer 240p. Smooth low res > flickery high res for me.