Just copy the executable to your home folder (the “username” folder) with smartftp first, then use ssh to copy it to your /etc folder with super user privileges:
$ sudo cp kodifocus /etc
I am not sure if you have to chmod it, but it doesn’t hurt either, so just do it
$ sudo chmod +x /etc/kodifocus
to be on the safe side. The extensions of files in are usually of no importance in Linux, it’s for the human. You can uninstall xdotool like this
$ sudo apt-get remove xdotool
And you can delete them old script with
$ sudo rm /etc/kodi_focus.sh
As I said, you might want to try if it really runs, since it might be that I have a different glibc version or something.If it doesn’t work I check if I can recompile it for Kodibuntu.
And yea, I noticed the same problem with the gamepad on my system, must be a Kodi thing, I will investigate further, since now I want to use my gamepad as well The executable should work for your remote and keyboard, etc. though.