Gamecube roms are now crashing RA

it was working yesterday, i dont think i changed anything. when i try to load a gamecube rom it makes retroarch freeze and white screen and giving the not responding error DEBUG or CLOSE PROGRAM. any suggestions?

Make sure you don’t have rewind enabled. It causes dolphin-libretro to crash.

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Then why not have rewind fixed?

Nothing to be done about it. Dolphin just has giant states /shrug

Then why not turn it off by default for Dolphin? Cores like SameBoy have it turned off for some reason!

Did disabling rewind fix it for you?

In my case it didn’t, and in the logs I get a lot of the following:

[ERROR] [GL debug (High, API, Error)]: glVertexAttribPointer failed because it is not allowed to specify a client-side vertex or element array when a non-default vertex array object is bound (GL_INVALID_OPERATION)
[ERROR] [GL debug (High, API, Error)]: glVertexAttribPointer failed because it is not allowed to specify a client-side vertex or element array when a non-default vertex array object is bound (GL_INVALID_OPERATION)
[ERROR] [GL debug (High, API, Error)]: glVertexAttribPointer failed because it is not allowed to specify a client-side vertex or element array when a non-default vertex array object is bound (GL_INVALID_OPERATION)
[ERROR] [GL debug (High, API, Error)]: glVertexAttribPointer failed because it is not allowed to specify a client-side vertex or element array when a non-default vertex array object is bound (GL_INVALID_OPERATION)

The screen is completely black, and pressing F1 to go back to the XDM menu crashes retroarch, right after spewing some more errors in the log:

[INFO] [GL]: VSync => on
[INFO] [WGL]: wglSwapInterval(1)
[ERROR] [GL debug (High, API, Error)]: glVertexAttribPointer failed because it is not allowed to specify a client-side vertex or element array when a non-default vertex array object is bound (GL_INVALID_OPERATION)
[ERROR] [GL debug (High, API, Error)]: glVertexAttribPointer failed because it is not allowed to specify a client-side vertex or element array when a non-default vertex array object is bound (GL_INVALID_OPERATION)
[ERROR] [GL debug (High, API, Error)]: glVertexAttribPointer failed because it is not allowed to specify a client-side vertex or element array when a non-default vertex array object is bound (GL_INVALID_OPERATION)
[ERROR] [GL debug (High, API, Error)]: glVertexAttribPointer failed because it is not allowed to specify a client-side vertex or element array when a non-default vertex array object is bound (GL_INVALID_OPERATION)
[ERROR] [GL debug (High, API, Error)]: glVertexAttribPointer failed because it is not allowed to specify a client-side vertex or element array when a non-default vertex array object is bound (GL_INVALID_OPERATION)
[ERROR] [GL debug (High, API, Error)]: glVertexAttribPointer failed because it is not allowed to specify a client-side vertex or element array when a non-default vertex array object is bound (GL_INVALID_OPERATION)
[ERROR] [GL debug (High, API, Error)]: glVertexPointer failed because it is not allowed to specify a client-side vertex or element array when a non-default vertex array object is bound (GL_INVALID_OPERATION)
[ERROR] [GL debug (High, API, Error)]: glMultiTexCoordPointerEXT failed because it is not allowed to specify a client-side vertex or element array when a non-default vertex array object is bound (GL_INVALID_OPERATION)
[ERROR] [GL debug (High, API, Error)]: glColorPointer failed because it is not allowed to specify a client-side vertex or element array when a non-default vertex array object is bound (GL_INVALID_OPERATION)

This is when running Wind-Waker, which was previously working before for me. Though I’m not sure if the configuration I was using might have changed.

Is it normal that there are no core options in the quick menu when I’m loading the core (without any game)?

Yeah, you won’t see any core options until you start some content.

Buncha GL issues… What kind of GPU do you have?

AMD Radeon HD 7870 under Windows 10.

The very same game in this very same hardware was running before though. But even back then the core had crashes when switching from the game to the Retroarch menu.

I don’t know of anything that’s happened that would break it… Have you tried with a clean config?

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Thanks for the tip.

I was able to run the game flawlessly in a freshly installed Retroach, not even switching from the game to the menu breaks it. I’ll check on the configs and see if I can figure out what configuration broke it.

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This was the reason for my problems:

video_shader_enable = "true"

Making it “false” for Dolphin fixes it.

I had a cg shader set up as default and it was enabled globally, it seems cg shaders will crash in dolphin.

Ah, yes, that’s true. Cg shaders will conflict with any libretro-gl cores. GLSL shaders should work fine, though, and I’ve converted all but a scant handful from Cg.

the shader was it, thank you so much for figuring it out, but now it boots and i see the bio screen and i get volume on a black screen, then it does not responding again. i even turned the shader passes to zero.

im just going to redownload it. RA needs a reset to default option for shader, config and such. i saved over not knowing what i was doing and should of saved new config.

The way to reset your config is to just move it to another place and RetroArch will generate a new one from scratch. If that doesn’t fix your problem, you can move the old one back to get all of your settings back.

with a fresh install it works about the same, but no text on wario, not sure if thats how it is, then tried to load pikmin 2 and crashed. i dunno what it could be.

EDIT: loaded harvest moon and now it works again. pikmin 2 plays again. doesnt like me to go to the desktop tho.

When you have this kind of problems it’d help if you run retroarch with a “–verbose” parameter so that you can get a window with the log output to see the error log.

About the shaders, isn’t Cg the recomended format for shaders? Should I switch to rather use gl shaders as the preferred ones? would that break other cores?

It’s a bit confusing to have the user deal with different shader formats.

Maybe it would be cool if each different shader format were in the same directory with same name (different extension) and have the frontend automatically decide which one to use based on the core renderer.

Cg used to be preferred but Nvidia killed the format (about 3 yrs ago) and may stop distributing the framework at any time. So, rather than wait for that, I hand-converted (almost) all of them to GLSL and slang formats, and Cg should now be considered deprecated and mainly for use with platforms that don’t support anything else (PS3, Vita, D3D driver, Xbox 360).

GLSL is the most compatible format and shouldn’t conflict with any cores except for Beetle-PSX-HW’s Vulkan renderer and the ParaLLEL Vulkan RDP plugin. Cg, OTOH, breaks any core that uses a GL context, including all of the N64 cores/renderers, both renderers for Beetle-PSX-HW, PPSSPP-libretro, Citra-libretro, Dolphin-libretro, OpenLara, Craft and maybe others I’m not remembering at the moment.

So, for most people, GLSL is the way to go now. Slang is there for the Vulkan cores and Cg is there for the platforms that need it.

If you feel like reading the nitty gritty details, I wrote a blog post awhile back covering the changes:

where is the config file, i look in the folders and theres nothing there?

how do you do this? thanks…