Gamepad not configured messages in RetroArch

I don’t know why but when I plug my gamepad (Dualshock2 with twin USB adapter) and start RetroArch notification pops up saying that gamepad is not configured but it works perfectly. This also pops up whenever I start any game. Is there a way I can disable useless notifications like this and add notifications for something useful like changing famicom disk system disk side? Core remap and core options notifications are useless in my opinion too. Thanks in advance!

OSD notifications are either all on or all off. The FCEUmm core will now print FDS notifications to the OSD.

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OK FDS notifications are here now. Thank you! But can you tell me is it necessary to have 2 buttons on gamepad - one for ejecting disk and another flipping disk? Is it better to have 1 button for both actions to free more buttons on gamepad for other actions and hotkeys? That same button can also be used for coins on VS machine games. And why does RetroArch keep telling me that my gamepad is not configured?

That’s just what it says whenever it detects a gamepad that it doesn’t have an autoconfig profile for. If you’re doing fine without it, you can disable autoconfiguration altogether and it should stop yakking about it.

Having a button do multiple tasks is messy because we have to add checks to figure out when it’s appropriate to do each function.

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That was helpful! Thank you.