Gamepad use causes loss of all controls when a game is started.

If i use a controller (PS3), weather or not i bind the controls myself, when i run a game (sega master system is all i’m trying to run with this), neither the controller nor keyboard will work. This means I lose the quick menu and any hotkey functions as well. As soon as the controller is disconnected, I regain keyboard functions and the controller can be reconnected to play the game (thought the left control seems permanently active). If i close the game and restart it goes back to nothing until another unplug/plug in.

In order to use the PS3 controller i’ve been running a terminal command that seems to be for an xbox controller. I started this long ago as it was the solution that worked for FCEUX. If there’s someway better to do it, maybe this is the root of the problem.

sudo xboxdrv --detach-kernel-driver

I’m on Ubuntu 16.04 with an HP laptop. I don’t know what else may be useful info.