Games launch, but no image (sound and controlls ok)

Hi all,

I’m using Retroarch for launching several systems. I use RocketLauncher as a launcher, and Hyperspin as UI.

However, in some system, I get this problem: games are launched, I got no error, I hear the sound - and by sound I can see that controls work, so the game is actually running.

This happens in all games of the following systems: Atari 7800, SuperGrafx, TurboGrafx-16, Sega game gear, Sega Master System, Sega genesis, Sega SG-1000. All Nintendo systems work flawlessly.

Do you think this might be BIOS missing?? I think I got them all…

Is there anyway I can debug this?I tried debug mode but I don’t know if is there something relevant:

RetroArch [INFO] :: === Build =======================================Capabilities: MMX MMXEXT SSE1 SSE2 SSE3 SSSE3 SSE4 SSE4.2 AVX 
Built: Jul 17 2016
RetroArch [INFO] :: Version: 1.3.6
RetroArch [INFO] :: Git: 218d6f5
RetroArch [INFO] :: =================================================
RetroArch [INFO] :: Config: loading config from: C:\HyperSpin\Emulators\RetroArch 1.3.6\retroarch.cfg.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Resetting undo buffers.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Environ SET_PIXEL_FORMAT: RGB565.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Version of libretro API: 1
RetroArch [INFO] :: Compiled against API: 1
RetroArch [INFO] :: Set audio input rate to: 29975.00 Hz.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Video @ fullscreen
RetroArch [INFO] :: Found GL context: wgl
RetroArch [INFO] :: Detecting screen resolution 1440x900.
RetroArch [INFO] :: [WGL]: wglSwapInterval(1)
RetroArch [INFO] :: [GL]: Vendor: Intel, Renderer: Intel(R) HD Graphics 2500.
RetroArch [INFO] :: [GL]: Version: 4.0.0 - Build
RetroArch [INFO] :: Querying GL extension: ARB_ES2_compatibility => doesn't exist
RetroArch [INFO] :: Querying GL extension: ARB_sync => exists
RetroArch [INFO] :: Querying GL extension: ARB_texture_float => exists
RetroArch [INFO] :: Querying GL extension: EXT_texture_sRGB => exists
RetroArch [INFO] :: Querying GL extension: ARB_framebuffer_sRGB => exists
RetroArch [INFO] :: [GL]: Supported extensions:
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_EXT_blend_minmax
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_EXT_blend_subtract
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_EXT_blend_color
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_EXT_abgr
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_EXT_texture3D
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_EXT_clip_volume_hint
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_SGIS_texture_edge_clamp
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_EXT_draw_range_elements
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_SGIS_texture_lod
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_EXT_rescale_normal
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_EXT_packed_pixels
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_EXT_separate_specular_color
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_multitexture
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_EXT_texture_env_combine
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_EXT_bgra
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_EXT_blend_func_separate
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_EXT_secondary_color
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_EXT_fog_coord
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_EXT_texture_env_add
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_texture_cube_map
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_transpose_matrix
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_texture_env_add
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_IBM_texture_mirrored_repeat
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_SUN_multi_draw_arrays
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_NV_blend_square
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_texture_compression
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_3DFX_texture_compression_FXT1
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_point_parameters
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_texture_env_combine
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_shadow
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_window_pos
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_EXT_shadow_funcs
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_EXT_stencil_wrap
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_vertex_program
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_EXT_texture_rectangle
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_fragment_program
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_EXT_stencil_two_side
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ATI_separate_stencil
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_occlusion_query
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_fragment_shader
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_shader_objects
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_shading_language_100
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_vertex_shader
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_NV_texgen_reflection
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_point_sprite
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_fragment_program_shadow
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_EXT_blend_equation_separate
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_depth_texture
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_texture_rectangle
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_draw_buffers
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_color_buffer_float
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_half_float_pixel
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_texture_float
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_EXT_framebuffer_object
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_draw_instanced
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_half_float_vertex
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_occlusion_query2
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_EXT_draw_buffers2
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_WIN_swap_hint
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_EXT_texture_sRGB
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_multisample
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_EXT_packed_float
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_EXT_texture_shared_exponent
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_texture_rg
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_texture_compression_rgtc
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_NV_conditional_render
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_EXT_texture_swizzle
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_texture_gather
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_sync
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_framebuffer_sRGB
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_depth_buffer_float
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_EXT_transform_feedback
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_transform_feedback2
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_draw_indirect
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_framebuffer_object
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_EXT_texture_array
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_EXT_texture_integer
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_map_buffer_range
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_EXT_texture_snorm
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_blend_func_extended
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_INTEL_performance_queries
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_copy_buffer
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_sampler_objects
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_NV_primitive_restart
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_seamless_cube_map
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_uniform_buffer_object
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_depth_clamp
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_vertex_array_bgra
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_shader_bit_encoding
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_draw_buffers_blend
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_geometry_shader4
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_texture_query_lod
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_explicit_attrib_location
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_instanced_arrays
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_fragment_coord_conventions
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_EXT_gpu_program_parameters
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_texture_buffer_object_rgb32
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_compatibility
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_texture_rgb10_a2ui
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_texture_multisample
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_timer_query
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_INTEL_map_texture
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_tessellation_shader
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_vertex_array_object
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_provoking_vertex
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_sample_shading
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_texture_cube_map_array
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_gpu_shader5
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_gpu_shader_fp64
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_shader_subroutine
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_transform_feedback3
RetroArch [INFO] :: Querying GL extension: KHR_debug => doesn't exist
RetroArch [INFO] :: Querying GL extension: ARB_debug_output => doesn't exist
RetroArch [ERROR] :: Neither GL_KHR_debug nor GL_ARB_debug_output are implemented. Cannot start GL debugging.
RetroArch [INFO] :: GL: Using resolution 1440x900
RetroArch [INFO] :: [GL]: Default shader backend found: glsl.
RetroArch [INFO] :: [Shader driver]: Using GLSL shader backend.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Checking GLSL shader support ...
RetroArch [WARN] :: [GL]: Stock GLSL shaders will be used.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Found GLSL vertex shader.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Shader log: No errors.

RetroArch [INFO] :: Found GLSL fragment shader.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Shader log: No errors.

RetroArch [INFO] :: Linking GLSL program.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Linker log: No errors.

RetroArch [INFO] :: Found GLSL vertex shader.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Shader log: No errors.

RetroArch [INFO] :: Found GLSL fragment shader.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Shader log: No errors.

RetroArch [INFO] :: Linking GLSL program.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Linker log: No errors.

RetroArch [INFO] :: Found GLSL vertex shader.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Shader log: No errors.

RetroArch [INFO] :: Found GLSL fragment shader.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Shader log: No errors.

RetroArch [INFO] :: Linking GLSL program.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Linker log: No errors.

RetroArch [INFO] :: Found GLSL vertex shader.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Shader log: No errors.

RetroArch [INFO] :: Found GLSL fragment shader.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Shader log: No errors.

RetroArch [INFO] :: Linking GLSL program.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Linker log: No errors.

RetroArch [INFO] :: Found GLSL vertex shader.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Shader log: No errors.

RetroArch [INFO] :: Found GLSL fragment shader.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Shader log: No errors.

RetroArch [INFO] :: Linking GLSL program.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Linker log: No errors.

RetroArch [INFO] :: [GL]: Using 4 textures.
RetroArch [INFO] :: [GL]: Loaded 1 program(s).
RetroArch [INFO] :: Found XInput v1.3.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Found XInput v1.3.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Enumerating DInput joypads ...
RetroArch [INFO] :: Done enumerating DInput joypads ...
RetroArch [INFO] :: Found joypad driver: "dinput".
RetroArch [INFO] :: Using font rendering backend: freetype.
RetroArch [INFO] :: XAudio2: Requesting 64 ms latency, using 64 ms latency.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Found menu display driver: "menu_display_gl".
RetroArch [INFO] :: Querying GL extension: ARB_framebuffer_object => exists
RetroArch [INFO] :: Using font rendering backend: freetype.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Using font rendering backend: freetype.
RetroArch [INFO] :: SRAM will not be saved.
RetroArch [INFO] :: null: [C:\HyperSpin\Emulators\RetroArch 1.3.6\].
RetroArch [INFO] :: [GL]: VSync => on
RetroArch [INFO] :: [WGL]: wglSwapInterval(1)
RetroArch [INFO] :: [GL]: VSync => on
RetroArch [INFO] :: [WGL]: wglSwapInterval(1)
RetroArch [INFO] :: Using content: E:\roms\GG\Road Rash (USA).bin.
RetroArch [INFO] :: arg #0: retroarch
RetroArch [INFO] :: arg #1: E:\roms\GG\Road Rash (USA).bin
RetroArch [INFO] :: arg #2: -c
RetroArch [INFO] :: arg #3: C:\HyperSpin\Emulators\RetroArch 1.3.6\retroarch.cfg
RetroArch [INFO] :: arg #4: -L
RetroArch [INFO] :: arg #5: C:\HyperSpin\Emulators\RetroArch 1.3.6\cores\genesis_plus_gx_libretro.dll
RetroArch [INFO] :: Resetting undo buffers.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Does not have enough samples for monitor refresh rate estimation. Requires to run for at least 4096 frames.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Redirecting save file to "E:\roms\GG\Road Rash (USA).srm".
RetroArch [INFO] :: === Build =======================================
Built: Jul 17 2016
RetroArch [INFO] :: Version: 1.3.6
RetroArch [INFO] :: Git: 218d6f5
RetroArch [INFO] :: =================================================
RetroArch [INFO] :: Resetting undo buffers.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Loading dynamic libretro core from: "C:\HyperSpin\Emulators\RetroArch 1.3.6\cores\genesis_plus_gx_libretro.dll"
RetroArch [INFO] :: Overrides: no core-specific overrides found at C:\HyperSpin\Emulators\RetroArch 1.3.6\config\Genesis Plus GX\Genesis Plus GX.cfg.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Overrides: no game-specific overrides found at C:\HyperSpin\Emulators\RetroArch 1.3.6\config\Genesis Plus GX\Road Rash (USA).cfg.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Environ SET_VARIABLES.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Environ SET_CONTROLLER_INFO.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Controller port: 1
RetroArch [INFO] ::    Joypad Auto (ID: 1)
RetroArch [INFO] ::    Joypad Port Empty (ID: 0)
RetroArch [INFO] ::    MD Joypad 3 Button (ID: 257)
RetroArch [INFO] ::    MD Joypad 6 Button (ID: 513)
RetroArch [INFO] ::    MS Joypad 2 Button (ID: 769)
RetroArch [INFO] ::    MD Joypad 3 Button + 4-WayPlay (ID: 1025)
RetroArch [INFO] ::    MD Joypad 6 Button + 4-WayPlay (ID: 1281)
RetroArch [INFO] ::    MD Joypad 3 Button + Teamplayer (ID: 1537)
RetroArch [INFO] ::    MD Joypad 6 Button + Teamplayer (ID: 1793)
RetroArch [INFO] ::    MS Joypad 2 Button + Master Tap (ID: 2049)
RetroArch [INFO] ::    MS Light Phaser (ID: 260)
RetroArch [INFO] ::    MS Paddle Control (ID: 261)
RetroArch [INFO] ::    MS Sports Pad (ID: 517)
RetroArch [INFO] ::    MS Graphic Board (ID: 262)
RetroArch [INFO] ::    MD XE-1AP (ID: 773)
RetroArch [INFO] ::    MD Mouse (ID: 2)
RetroArch [INFO] :: Controller port: 2
RetroArch [INFO] ::    Joypad Auto (ID: 1)
RetroArch [INFO] ::    Joypad Port Empty (ID: 0)
RetroArch [INFO] ::    MD Joypad 3 Button (ID: 257)
RetroArch [INFO] ::    MD Joypad 6 Button (ID: 513)
RetroArch [INFO] ::    MS Joypad 2 Button (ID: 769)
RetroArch [INFO] ::    MD Joypad 3 Button + 4-WayPlay (ID: 1025)
RetroArch [INFO] ::    MD Joypad 6 Button + 4-WayPlay (ID: 1281)
RetroArch [INFO] ::    MD Joypad 3 Button + Teamplayer (ID: 1537)
RetroArch [INFO] ::    MD Joypad 6 Button + Teamplayer (ID: 1793)
RetroArch [INFO] ::    MS Joypad 2 Button + Master Tap (ID: 2049)
RetroArch [INFO] ::    MD Menacer (ID: 516)
RetroArch [INFO] ::    MD Justifiers (ID: 772)
RetroArch [INFO] ::    MS Light Phaser (ID: 260)
RetroArch [INFO] ::    MS Paddle Control (ID: 261)
RetroArch [INFO] ::    MS Sports Pad (ID: 517)
RetroArch [INFO] ::    MS Graphic Board (ID: 262)
RetroArch [INFO] ::    MD XE-1AP (ID: 773)
RetroArch [INFO] ::    MD Mouse (ID: 2)
RetroArch [INFO] :: Remaps: remap directory: C:\HyperSpin\Emulators\RetroArch 1.3.6\config/remaps
RetroArch [INFO] :: Remaps: no game-specific remap found at C:\HyperSpin\Emulators\RetroArch 1.3.6\config/remaps/Genesis Plus GX/Road Rash (USA).rmp.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Remaps: no core-specific remap found at C:\HyperSpin\Emulators\RetroArch 1.3.6\config/remaps/Genesis Plus GX/Genesis Plus GX.rmp.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Redirecting save file to "E:\roms\GG\Road Rash (USA).srm".
RetroArch [INFO] :: Environ PERFORMANCE_LEVEL: 1.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Environ GET_LOG_INTERFACE.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Environ SET_PIXEL_FORMAT: RGB565.
RetroArch [libretro INFO] :: Frontend supports RGB565 - will use that instead of XRGB1555.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Environ PERFORMANCE_LEVEL: 7.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Content loading skipped. Implementation will load it on its own.
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 1, Button "B (bottom)" => "B"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 1, Button "Y (left)" => "A"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 1, Button "Select" => "Mode"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 1, Button "Start" => "Start"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 1, Button "D-Pad Up" => "D-Pad Up"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 1, Button "D-Pad Down" => "D-Pad Down"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 1, Button "D-Pad Left" => "D-Pad Left"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 1, Button "D-Pad Right" => "D-Pad Right"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 1, Button "A (right)" => "C"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 1, Button "X (up)" => "Y"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 1, Button "L" => "X"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 1, Button "R" => "Z"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 2, Button "B (bottom)" => "B"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 2, Button "Y (left)" => "A"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 2, Button "Select" => "Mode"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 2, Button "Start" => "Start"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 2, Button "D-Pad Up" => "D-Pad Up"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 2, Button "D-Pad Down" => "D-Pad Down"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 2, Button "D-Pad Left" => "D-Pad Left"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 2, Button "D-Pad Right" => "D-Pad Right"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 2, Button "A (right)" => "C"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 2, Button "X (up)" => "Y"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 2, Button "L" => "X"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 2, Button "R" => "Z"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 3, Button "B (bottom)" => "B"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 3, Button "Y (left)" => "A"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 3, Button "Select" => "Mode"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 3, Button "Start" => "Start"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 3, Button "D-Pad Up" => "D-Pad Up"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 3, Button "D-Pad Down" => "D-Pad Down"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 3, Button "D-Pad Left" => "D-Pad Left"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 3, Button "D-Pad Right" => "D-Pad Right"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 3, Button "A (right)" => "C"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 3, Button "X (up)" => "Y"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 3, Button "L" => "X"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 3, Button "R" => "Z"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 4, Button "B (bottom)" => "B"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 4, Button "Y (left)" => "A"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 4, Button "Select" => "Mode"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 4, Button "Start" => "Start"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 4, Button "D-Pad Up" => "D-Pad Up"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 4, Button "D-Pad Down" => "D-Pad Down"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 4, Button "D-Pad Left" => "D-Pad Left"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 4, Button "D-Pad Right" => "D-Pad Right"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 4, Button "A (right)" => "C"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 4, Button "X (up)" => "Y"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 4, Button "L" => "X"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 4, Button "R" => "Z"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 5, Button "B (bottom)" => "B"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 5, Button "Y (left)" => "A"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 5, Button "Select" => "Mode"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 5, Button "Start" => "Start"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 5, Button "D-Pad Up" => "D-Pad Up"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 5, Button "D-Pad Down" => "D-Pad Down"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 5, Button "D-Pad Left" => "D-Pad Left"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 5, Button "D-Pad Right" => "D-Pad Right"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 5, Button "A (right)" => "C"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 5, Button "X (up)" => "Y"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 5, Button "L" => "X"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 5, Button "R" => "Z"
RetroArch [INFO] :: Environ SYSTEM_DIRECTORY: "C:\HyperSpin\Emulators\RetroArch 1.3.6\system".
RetroArch [libretro INFO] :: Game Genie ROM should be located at: C:\HyperSpin\Emulators\RetroArch 1.3.6\system\ggenie.bin
RetroArch [libretro INFO] :: Action Replay (Pro) ROM should be located at: C:\HyperSpin\Emulators\RetroArch 1.3.6\system\areplay.bin
RetroArch [libretro INFO] :: Sonic & Knuckles (2 MB) ROM should be located at: C:\HyperSpin\Emulators\RetroArch 1.3.6\system\sk.bin
RetroArch [libretro INFO] :: Sonic & Knuckles UPMEM (256 KB) ROM should be located at: C:\HyperSpin\Emulators\RetroArch 1.3.6\system\sk2chip.bin
RetroArch [libretro INFO] :: Mega Drive TMSS BOOTROM should be located at: C:\HyperSpin\Emulators\RetroArch 1.3.6\system\bios_MD.bin
RetroArch [libretro INFO] :: Game Gear TMSS BOOTROM should be located at: C:\HyperSpin\Emulators\RetroArch 1.3.6\system\
RetroArch [libretro INFO] :: Master System (PAL) BOOTROM should be located at: C:\HyperSpin\Emulators\RetroArch 1.3.6\system\bios_E.sms
RetroArch [libretro INFO] :: Master System (NTSC-U) BOOTROM should be located at: C:\HyperSpin\Emulators\RetroArch 1.3.6\system\bios_U.sms
RetroArch [libretro INFO] :: Master System (NTSC-J) BOOTROM should be located at: C:\HyperSpin\Emulators\RetroArch 1.3.6\system\bios_J.sms
RetroArch [libretro INFO] :: Mega CD (PAL) BIOS should be located at: C:\HyperSpin\Emulators\RetroArch 1.3.6\system\bios_CD_E.bin
RetroArch [libretro INFO] :: Sega CD (NTSC-U) BIOS should be located at: C:\HyperSpin\Emulators\RetroArch 1.3.6\system\bios_CD_U.bin
RetroArch [libretro INFO] :: Mega CD (NTSC-J) BIOS should be located at: C:\HyperSpin\Emulators\RetroArch 1.3.6\system\bios_CD_J.bin
RetroArch [libretro INFO] :: Mega CD (PAL) BRAM is located at: C:\HyperSpin\Emulators\RetroArch 1.3.6\system\scd_E.brm
RetroArch [libretro INFO] :: Sega CD (NTSC-U) BRAM is located at: C:\HyperSpin\Emulators\RetroArch 1.3.6\system\scd_U.brm
RetroArch [libretro INFO] :: Mega CD (NTSC-J) BRAM is located at: C:\HyperSpin\Emulators\RetroArch 1.3.6\system\scd_J.brm
RetroArch [libretro INFO] :: Sega/Mega CD RAM CART is located at: C:\HyperSpin\Emulators\RetroArch 1.3.6\system\cart.brm
RetroArch [INFO] :: Environ GET_VARIABLE genesis_plus_gx_system_hw:
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	auto
RetroArch [INFO] :: Environ GET_VARIABLE genesis_plus_gx_region_detect:
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	auto
RetroArch [INFO] :: Environ GET_VARIABLE genesis_plus_gx_bios:
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	disabled
RetroArch [INFO] :: Environ GET_VARIABLE genesis_plus_gx_force_dtack:
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	enabled
RetroArch [INFO] :: Environ GET_VARIABLE genesis_plus_gx_addr_error:
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	enabled
RetroArch [INFO] :: Environ GET_VARIABLE genesis_plus_gx_lock_on:
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	disabled
RetroArch [INFO] :: Environ GET_VARIABLE genesis_plus_gx_ym2413:
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	auto
RetroArch [INFO] :: Environ GET_VARIABLE genesis_plus_gx_dac_bits:
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	disabled
RetroArch [INFO] :: Environ GET_VARIABLE genesis_plus_gx_blargg_ntsc_filter:
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	disabled
RetroArch [INFO] :: Environ GET_VARIABLE genesis_plus_gx_lcd_filter:
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	disabled
RetroArch [INFO] :: Environ GET_VARIABLE genesis_plus_gx_overscan:
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	disabled
RetroArch [INFO] :: Environ GET_VARIABLE genesis_plus_gx_gg_extra:
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	disabled
RetroArch [INFO] :: Environ GET_VARIABLE genesis_plus_gx_render:
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	single field
RetroArch [INFO] :: Environ GET_VARIABLE genesis_plus_gx_gun_cursor:
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	no
RetroArch [INFO] :: Environ GET_VARIABLE genesis_plus_gx_invert_mouse:
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	no
RetroArch [libretro INFO] :: INFORMATION - Loading 524288 bytes ...
Failed to open E:\roms\GG\Road Rash (USA).srm: No such file or directory
RetroArch [INFO] :: Skipping SRAM load..
RetroArch [INFO] :: Version of libretro API: 1
RetroArch [INFO] :: Compiled against API: 1
RetroArch [INFO] :: Set audio input rate to: 44120.06 Hz.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Video @ fullscreen
RetroArch [INFO] :: Found GL context: wgl
RetroArch [INFO] :: Detecting screen resolution 1440x900.
RetroArch [INFO] :: [WGL]: wglSwapInterval(1)
RetroArch [INFO] :: [GL]: Vendor: Intel, Renderer: Intel(R) HD Graphics 2500.
RetroArch [INFO] :: [GL]: Version: 4.0.0 - Build
RetroArch [INFO] :: Querying GL extension: ARB_ES2_compatibility => doesn't exist
RetroArch [INFO] :: Querying GL extension: ARB_sync => exists
RetroArch [INFO] :: Querying GL extension: ARB_texture_float => exists
RetroArch [INFO] :: Querying GL extension: EXT_texture_sRGB => exists
RetroArch [INFO] :: Querying GL extension: ARB_framebuffer_sRGB => exists
RetroArch [INFO] :: [GL]: Supported extensions:
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_EXT_blend_minmax
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_EXT_blend_subtract
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_EXT_blend_color
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_EXT_abgr
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_EXT_texture3D
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_EXT_clip_volume_hint
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_SGIS_texture_edge_clamp
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_EXT_draw_range_elements
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_SGIS_texture_lod
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_EXT_rescale_normal
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_EXT_packed_pixels
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_EXT_separate_specular_color
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_multitexture
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_EXT_texture_env_combine
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_EXT_bgra
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_EXT_blend_func_separate
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_EXT_secondary_color
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_EXT_fog_coord
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_EXT_texture_env_add
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_texture_cube_map
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_transpose_matrix
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_texture_env_add
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_IBM_texture_mirrored_repeat
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_SUN_multi_draw_arrays
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_NV_blend_square
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_texture_compression
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_3DFX_texture_compression_FXT1
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_point_parameters
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_texture_env_combine
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_shadow
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_window_pos
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_EXT_shadow_funcs
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_EXT_stencil_wrap
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_vertex_program
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_EXT_texture_rectangle
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_fragment_program
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_EXT_stencil_two_side
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ATI_separate_stencil
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_occlusion_query
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_fragment_shader
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_shader_objects
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_shading_language_100
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_vertex_shader
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_NV_texgen_reflection
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_point_sprite
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_fragment_program_shadow
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_EXT_blend_equation_separate
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_depth_texture
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_texture_rectangle
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_draw_buffers
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_color_buffer_float
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_half_float_pixel
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_texture_float
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_EXT_framebuffer_object
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_draw_instanced
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_half_float_vertex
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_occlusion_query2
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_EXT_draw_buffers2
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_WIN_swap_hint
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_EXT_texture_sRGB
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_multisample
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_EXT_packed_float
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_EXT_texture_shared_exponent
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_texture_rg
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_texture_compression_rgtc
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_NV_conditional_render
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_EXT_texture_swizzle
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_texture_gather
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_sync
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_framebuffer_sRGB
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_depth_buffer_float
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_EXT_transform_feedback
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_transform_feedback2
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_draw_indirect
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_framebuffer_object
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_EXT_texture_array
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_EXT_texture_integer
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_map_buffer_range
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_EXT_texture_snorm
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_blend_func_extended
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_INTEL_performance_queries
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_copy_buffer
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_sampler_objects
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_NV_primitive_restart
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_seamless_cube_map
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_uniform_buffer_object
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_depth_clamp
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_vertex_array_bgra
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_shader_bit_encoding
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_draw_buffers_blend
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_geometry_shader4
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_texture_query_lod
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_explicit_attrib_location
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_instanced_arrays
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_fragment_coord_conventions
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_EXT_gpu_program_parameters
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_texture_buffer_object_rgb32
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_compatibility
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_texture_rgb10_a2ui
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_texture_multisample
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_timer_query
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_INTEL_map_texture
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_tessellation_shader
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_vertex_array_object
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_provoking_vertex
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_sample_shading
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_texture_cube_map_array
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_gpu_shader5
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_gpu_shader_fp64
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_shader_subroutine
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	GL_ARB_transform_feedback3
RetroArch [INFO] :: Querying GL extension: KHR_debug => doesn't exist
RetroArch [INFO] :: Querying GL extension: ARB_debug_output => doesn't exist
RetroArch [ERROR] :: Neither GL_KHR_debug nor GL_ARB_debug_output are implemented. Cannot start GL debugging.
RetroArch [INFO] :: GL: Using resolution 1440x900
RetroArch [INFO] :: [GL]: Default shader backend found: glsl.
RetroArch [INFO] :: [Shader driver]: Using GLSL shader backend.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Checking GLSL shader support ...
RetroArch [WARN] :: [GL]: Stock GLSL shaders will be used.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Found GLSL vertex shader.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Shader log: No errors.

RetroArch [INFO] :: Found GLSL fragment shader.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Shader log: No errors.

RetroArch [INFO] :: Linking GLSL program.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Linker log: No errors.

RetroArch [INFO] :: Found GLSL vertex shader.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Shader log: No errors.

RetroArch [INFO] :: Found GLSL fragment shader.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Shader log: No errors.

RetroArch [INFO] :: Linking GLSL program.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Linker log: No errors.

RetroArch [INFO] :: Found GLSL vertex shader.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Shader log: No errors.

RetroArch [INFO] :: Found GLSL fragment shader.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Shader log: No errors.

RetroArch [INFO] :: Linking GLSL program.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Linker log: No errors.

RetroArch [INFO] :: Found GLSL vertex shader.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Shader log: No errors.

RetroArch [INFO] :: Found GLSL fragment shader.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Shader log: No errors.

RetroArch [INFO] :: Linking GLSL program.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Linker log: No errors.

RetroArch [INFO] :: Found GLSL vertex shader.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Shader log: No errors.

RetroArch [INFO] :: Found GLSL fragment shader.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Shader log: No errors.

RetroArch [INFO] :: Linking GLSL program.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Linker log: No errors.

RetroArch [INFO] :: [GL]: Using 4 textures.
RetroArch [INFO] :: [GL]: Loaded 1 program(s).
RetroArch [INFO] :: Found XInput v1.3.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Found XInput v1.3.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Enumerating DInput joypads ...
RetroArch [INFO] :: Done enumerating DInput joypads ...
RetroArch [INFO] :: Found joypad driver: "dinput".
RetroArch [INFO] :: Using font rendering backend: freetype.
RetroArch [INFO] :: XAudio2: Requesting 64 ms latency, using 64 ms latency.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Using font rendering backend: freetype.
RetroArch [INFO] :: null: [C:\HyperSpin\Emulators\RetroArch 1.3.6\].
RetroArch [INFO] :: [GL]: VSync => on
RetroArch [INFO] :: [WGL]: wglSwapInterval(1)
RetroArch [INFO] :: Saving config at path: "C:\HyperSpin\Emulators\RetroArch 1.3.6\retroarch.cfg"
RetroArch [INFO] :: Saved new config to "C:\HyperSpin\Emulators\RetroArch 1.3.6\retroarch.cfg".
RetroArch [INFO] :: Saving RAM type #0 to "E:\roms\GG\Road Rash (USA).srm".
RetroArch [INFO] :: Saved successfully to "E:\roms\GG\Road Rash (USA).srm".
RetroArch [INFO] :: Resetting undo buffers.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Average audio buffer saturation: 43.89 %, standard deviation (percentage points): 9.59 %.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Amount of time spent close to underrun: 5.51 %. Close to blocking: 0.00 %.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Does not have enough samples for monitor refresh rate estimation. Requires to run for at least 4096 frames.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Average audio buffer saturation: 43.89 %, standard deviation (percentage points): 9.59 %.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Amount of time spent close to underrun: 5.51 %. Close to blocking: 0.00 %.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Does not have enough samples for monitor refresh rate estimation. Requires to run for at least 4096 frames.

Thanks in advance!!

Do you have any shaders enabled? Does the same thing happen when you launch directly through RetroArch’s interface rather than via HyperSpin?

How can I check if I’m using shaders? Sorry, I’m new here…

Trough Retroarch directly the game loads ok (I only tried two, but they worked). Sorry, forgot to mention it.

You would normally check whether a shader is enabled by going into the menu while in-game but I assume the menu is blacked-out, as well?

If it works fine when loaded directly through RetroArch, I assume there’s either something wrong with the launcher or you’re launching with a bad config (-c /path/to/config.cfg).

[QUOTE=hunterk;44216]You would normally check whether a shader is enabled by going into the menu while in-game but I assume the menu is blacked-out, as well?

If it works fine when loaded directly through RetroArch, I assume there’s either something wrong with the launcher or you’re launching with a bad config (-c /path/to/config.cfg).[/QUOTE]

Thank you so much!! Your question helped me sort part of the problem!!!

After some more investigation, I got two different situations:

Sega Genesis is the one I described: using rlauncher, I hear the sound, controls work, no image. Direct through RetroArch, works ok.

So I went to check the command line rlauncher creates and here it is:

23:25:04:576 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | Process.Run - Running: C:\HyperSpin\Emulators\RetroArch 1.3.6\retroarch.exe  "C:\HyperSpin\Temp\Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle (USA)\Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle (USA).bin" -c "C:\HyperSpin\Emulators\RetroArch 1.3.6\config\Sega Genesis.cfg" -L "C:\HyperSpin\Emulators\RetroArch 1.3.6\cores\genesis_plus_gx_libretro.dll" -s "C:\HyperSpin\Emulators\RetroArch 1.3.6\srm\Sega Genesis\Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle (USA).srm" -S "C:\HyperSpin\Emulators\RetroArch 1.3.6\save\Sega Genesis\Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle (USA).state"

So I replaced Sega Genesis.cfg for the default one and now the game runs. Not sure yet which parameter is causing it,but it’s sorted for now.

Now, let’s go for the second situation. Unfortunately, not all systems have the same problem. In Sega Master System, using rlauncher, it launches, no sound, image or controls. No errors. Exactly the same happens if I launch directly through Retroarch. So,in this case, it might be shaders? I can access to the menu (F1). I went to Quick Menu -> Shaders, but didn’t see any option to disable it, only to select others. How can I do it?

Once again,thank you so much for your help! I’ll make sure to buy you a beer when all this is sorted out!!! :slight_smile:

Lower the shader passes to 0 then apply.

So simple :slight_smile: Thanks!!

Anyway, I changed it and still can’t load any game for these systems :frowning: I know ROMs are ok because they work in another PC, so that’s not the problem. I’m running out of ideas… :frowning:

These happens in Sega Master System, Sega Game Gear and Sega SG-1000 roms. All others are working after changing .cfg file.

I used debug mode and here is the result. Hope you guys find anything that might be causing this…

Edit: Sometimes Retroarch crashes. Here are the details.

Problem signature: Problem Event Name: APPCRASH Application Name: retroarch.exe Application Version: Application Timestamp: 00000000 Fault Module Name: genesis_plus_gx_libretro.dll Fault Module Version: Fault Module Timestamp: 57445e21 Exception Code: c0000005 Exception Offset: 0000000000008fa2 OS Version: 6.1.7601. Locale ID: 2070 Additional Information 1: 7338 Additional Information 2: 7338d4365bcc59966ebdfa4e369a2c9b Additional Information 3: 1cbb Additional Information 4: 1cbb0e8b152dbc4b36f8c3b5875cb3dc

I continue to investigate this and found out that this is happening because all my roms are in .bin format. As soon as I change the file format to to .sms, it works fine. And that’s it.

Is this normal?

Possibly. BIN is so generic that the core may be having trouble determining what it is and what to do with it.