GBA ROMs on MGBA and all others stopped opening

Whats more, I tried LoZ for NES twice and it froze after a couple of minutes. I’ve only changed some controls and started using a new Afterglow Xbox controller, but m regular has the same problem. I also tried a fresh ROM of Minish Cap, which I had been playing for days, and no luck. Can I at least use the save or states on a different emu if no fix?

Also, computer has no internet, can’t update cores from there, just my phone if possible.

Can you get a verbose log of a game failing to load?

Dunno about the freezes but they’re probably not related.

I assume that changing the controls back did not fix the issue? Did you change anything else? Like video settings or something? My retroarch will freeze or break if I have changed any of my video settings, with no way to reset it to defaults. Saved games should be fine regardless of retroarch crashing. You can always go to the save folder and move the saves out temporarily so that the game generates a new one. If it does not crash, then its an issue with the save file. If it does the same error, then just reinstate your old save file and move to the next potential issue.

is there a link or advice on where they could look for the verbose log if they are a new user? The interface is not very intuitive and i get lost all the time trying to find stuff.

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I tried to follow that document myself. I couldn’t get it to work. Its complicated and involving searches that dont give me the documented result and code that does not work for me. Is there an in interface of enabling this file? Can I navigate to it in windows explorer? Im dyslexic which makes powershells, code and cmd very hard to be exact every time.

We’re working on a log-to-file option that’s accessible from the menu, but it’s not in yet. Hopefully it’ll be included in the upcoming 1.7.7 release.

In the meantime, if you installed using the installer package (i.e., not the bare zip file), it should have a shortcut inside the RetroArch directory that will create a log for you.