Genesis resolutions

i have retroarch 1.20. im using crt switchres. my video driver is glcore. i have windows 7 and genesis/sega cd games in genesis plus gx are trying to load in 284x192 so the resolution switches to 3840x224 which creates borders on all 4 sides. blastem correctly switches to 320x224 but my sega cds are in chd format and it looks like blastem doesnt accept chd format. any thoughts on how to either get genesis plus gx to use correct resolutions or work around blastem to load chds? thanks.

I don’t know the solution, but to give you an idea: mess with the Borders option of Genesis Plus GX. See if it helps somehow.

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Hmmm, genplus-gx requests a 256x192 resolution to retroarch at boot (probably because that’s the minimum resolution for some of the consoles it emulates, like sms/gg), then detect the console for the game you are running and request retroarch for a new resolution (320x224 or 256x224 if you are running a genesis game).

blastem doesn’t do that since it only emulates genesis hence directly boot in 224p.

Is switchres somehow unable to further change resolution after the first request ? I’m not knowledgeable at all about this stuff. It looks like a retroarch/switchres bug if that’s the case and you should report it on github.

Maybe you should also report that weird behavior on genplus-gx’s github. It should be possible for genplus-gx to detect the content before requesting the initial 256x192 resolution, hence preventing the problem by initially requesting a 256x224 resolution if a genesis game is detected.

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i will post a log and report the behavior to both. but i kinda think its more a retroarch issue because this doesnt happen on 1.19.1 and i also tried using older versions of genesis plus gx in1.20 retroarch and i got the same result.

i erased my cfg file and i think it had to to do the integer scaling. i think when i had the integer scale axis set to X + Y and scaling to over scale, it created these weird resolutions. still not sure but leaving all that alone, im able to get native resolutions again.

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