Get even looking scanlines on a 1080p with interger scale off

New here. I know a lot of people still have 1080p monitors and also like their games with scanlines but the only way to get them looking good was to have the interger scale on with certain shaders which made the overall screen look smaller and a lot of people including myself dislike that, this is so you can have a similar effect but with the correct screen ratio. I just discovered this on my Shield TV on Retroarch version 1.4.1, set your shader and on screen overlay image exactly how I have it in the pics below then load up any one of your favorites and watch the magic happen. They look good on light and dark images, even vertical scrolling games as well. Pretty much every retro core I tested with those settings gave a good result. The scan line overlay can be found in the rpi folder and the stock shader is in the shaders_glsl folder all the way at the bottom of the list. This may not give the beauty quality of a crt royale shader but for basic scanlines with the correct aspect ration I think this is the next best thing.

Butā€¦ they are not even.:sweat:

If you want even scanlines at 1080p use a simple shader like Hyllian.

Theyā€™re even, but they donā€™t align with the gameā€™s pixels. Whether this bothers you or not is personal preference.

Using the bilinear filtering helps to hide it, which is nice.

I tried Hyllian, it looks way worse to me and even more uneven. Maybe it looks good with interger on but I refuse to turn that on and have a smaller image. Iā€™ve read that thereā€™s a ā€œwork aroundā€ to get the good shaders like Royale with a close enough correct aspect ratio, I believe you have to change the custom aspect ratio width and height to 5x? I tried that with crt royale and it made the scanlines uneven all over again as if interger was turned back off so I just left that alone.

Yeah I couldnā€™t quite put my finger on it but I see exactly what you mean with the gameā€™s pixels. Compared to all the other scanline methods I tried this one still seems to be the lesser of the evils. Iā€™m still messing around trying different ways but I donā€™t think it will get any better than what I have in those images up there.

This is custom X=x6, Y=x5 Integer = On (at Y=x5 it doesnā€™t shrink the image)

Yeah, on my Shield, I use custom aspect ratio with 5x integer scale on the Y axis and 6x on the X axis. It cuts off a little bit on the top and bottom (this area would have been considered unsafe overscan area anyway, so games rarely put anything important here) and small black pillarboxes on the left and right.

Iā€™d like to see some of your screenshots Hunter.

Not too different from Birmā€™s:

This is with Easymodeā€™s crt-aperture. The black letterboxing is where the screen physically ends.


So with your method, it keeps the 4:3 aspect, right? No crops?

It comes out with an aspect of 1.37, which is quite close to 4:3ā€™s 1.3333

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Okay so I tried out both Hyllian and Easymode, Hyllian just wasnā€™t cutting it. Thereā€™s these very small faint barely visible grid looking squares that cover the whole screen, they seem more noticable vertically. I figured putting the aspect ratio custom to x6 y5 with interger on would get rid of it but it stays. Easymode looks alright but Iā€™m not a fan of those tiny ā€œdotsā€ that seem to cover the whole image and give it this ā€œgrainā€ look so I eventually switched back to where I started and made some changes. hunterk you said those scanlines in my first post didnā€™t align with the gameā€™s pixels and I think I know why, it was because I was using the wrong scanlines. Thereā€™s another overlay called ā€œscanlines1920x1080.cfgā€ so I switched to that one, kept the Overlay Opacity at 0.15 and changed the Overlay Scale to 1.00, changed the bilinear/stockā€™s shader filter and scale to ā€œdonā€™t careā€ so that the smoothness of scale 2x doesnā€™t hide any details and these new pics are the result. For having interger off with the correct 4:3 aspect ratio I think these scanlines look pretty good and seem to align more with the pixels, or at least more than the first pics I posted. Curious to know what you guys think.

If I donā€™t look at it too closely its fine. But in truth the scanlines are still wrong. The word ā€œmarioā€ in red letters is exactly 8 pixels tall. You have a lot more lines than that.

With CRT-Hyllian, you can disable the ā€˜phosphorā€™ option to get rid of the vertical grid effect.

Iā€™m looking in the parameters and I donā€™t see an option for phosphor. Turning the mask strength (both min and max) got rid of the grid but now I see uneven horizontal scanlines again. This is both with interger off 4:3 ratio and interger on x6 y5. On another note I see the 6 pixels Birm mentioned in the ā€œmarioā€ using Hyllian, I didnā€™t even know about that but now I can always use that as a reference to check scanlines.

Edit: Turning interger scale off and and changing the scanline strengths gave a me a clearer image. I gues I just gotta tweak around with it until I get it to where it needs to be.

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