Get Rid of Borders

It get Black Border Around with Different Core’s and Systems.

Screenshots on what it looks Like:

So I was wondering how can I get rid of those Black Borders?

Best way be to have it FIll the Whole Screen. I know some people hate that but some also do like it.

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Either set your aspect ratio to 16:9 (or whatever your monitor’s aspect ratio is) and just stretch your screen to fit or put on an overlay border over the black part.

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So how can I get it to Stretch and/or Change Ratio in RetroArch?

settings > video > aspect ratio 16:9 (or 16:10 or whatever).

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Did that but did not get Rid of All the Boarders.

Even Trying to put Screen Ratio in but it was Too BIg for my Screen

Do we have any features that would extend the emulator’s background color into the border area?

No, the best we have at the moment is either an overlay, which can use the entire RetroArch viewport, or to extend the game’s viewport via the aspect ratio and then write to that with shaders (that is, shaders can’t escape the game’s viewport).

Is there Plans of Adding something like that as I would think it would not be too hard to add that Feature. Though I am a Non-Coder so I could be Wrong

i wonder why the feature isn’t then if its not too hard…


I don’t know of any plans for anything like that at the moment. The guy working on 15 khz CRT support mentioned something about having done most of the implementation for an aspect stretch-to-fit option, so that might appear at some point. Someone else has previous requested support for underlays (that is, same as overlays but behind the game viewport), which should also be doable, but nobody is working on such a thing currently, AFAIK.


Okay. Bit sad to Hear but Hopefully some puts it in Soon

In the mean time I would recommend to set your aspect ratio setting to “Custom” then for the X value of your custom Aspect Ratio set the number to be greater than the number of pixels your resolution is to essentially ‘stretch the picture off screen’. For example I use this method to make some N64 games fit my screen or stretch off the glitchy areas of some NES games like SMB3. I use a CRT screen so my screen resolution is 2560x240, but then I set my custom aspect ratio X value to 2640 or whatever gives you the proper amount of stretch you are looking for. I was worried when I first tried this method it would cause artifacting but I have yet to notice any. Try that and see if it helps you!

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There would be artefacts when you do that, but because the horizontal resolution is so high you can’t see them.

I tried that but I just get a Blank Screen

Did you set both an x and a y value for your custom aspect ratio? If either are 0 then you won’t see any video

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I only set the X Value and left the Y as Default.

I will try that and Comeback and Give Update. Guess it being 0 would make sense that get no Video. What do I set Y too?


My Ratio but still get Black Screen:

It looks like you your X and Y values set correctly but you still need to chance the aspect ratio preset, currently it says you are on auto 30:17 mode. Change the aspect ratio option from “30:17” to the option that is called “custom”.

Turn off windowed fullscreen and set your vertical refresh rate up while you’re in there.

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Did that but was Black. I set it back before I did the Change. I find that at the Moment that is the Closest I can get to Full Screen

Thanks Mate. I will try that out Soon and Report back how it goes.

What should I change the Vertical Refresh Too?

When you go into the video options, you’ll see “estimated screen framerate” jumping all over the place. Let it run for 2048 samples and it’ll settle down. Then highlight it and hit enter, that will match RA’s refresh rate to your monitors - it helps with smooth scrolling and gets rid of audio crackles.

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